for Aerosol Science and Technology, Environmental and Materials Engineering,-environmental-and-materials-engineeringCivil, Architectural and Environmental,-architectural-and-environmentalElectrical and Computer and Aerospace of Engineering Awards of Engineering Alumni Stories and Optimization Research Lab
truePeople and Community / Science and Technology / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer /
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Growing scholarship program supports female students in STEM
People and CommunityScience and Technology woman coding on the computerThe Steven B Schonfeld Foundation increased its gift to the University of Miami to ensure greater representation of women in computer science and computer engineering.Anika Engel11-06-2024falseCollege of EngineeringElectrical and Computerfalsefalsefalsefalse
trueResearch / Science and Technology / Research Excellence / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer /
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Aiming to shape a new tech revolution
ResearchScience and Technology ChenEngineering professor Mingzhe Chen is working on several projects that could improve on our existing wireless networks. For this work, he was recently named as the Knight Foundation chair in data science and artificial intelligence.News@TheU10-22-2024falseCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerResearch ExcellenceTech Innovationfalsefalsefalsefalse
trueAcademics / People and Community / Commencement / Profile Spotlight / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer /
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Collaboration ‘truly distinguished my educational experience’
AcademicsPeople and Community HafeelMunir Hafeel found a tight-knit community within the College of Engineering’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.News@TheU05-09-2024falseCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerCommencementProfile Spotlightfalsefalsefalsefalse
falsePeople and Community / Science and Technology / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace /
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Engineering students’ imagination and ingenuity shine at the Senior Design Expo
People and CommunityScience and Technology medical devices and autonomous vehicles to building redesigns and wearable tech, the College of Engineering’s Senior Design Expo showcased the culmination of undergraduate students' years of hard work and practical application of engineering principles. Lorena Taboas05-02-2024falseCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalChemical, Environmental and Materials EngineeringCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and Aerospacefalsefalsefalsefalse
falseScience and Technology / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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Miami Engineering students build a farm running on machine learning and internet of things
Science and Technology their senior design project, four engineering undergrads have built an indoor, hydroponic basil farming system.Lucas Baker04-25-2023falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerTech InnovationfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseScience and Technology / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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ChatGPT and how engineers are reinventing the classroom
Science and Technology tools may change the world of educationLucas Baker01-30-2023falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerTech InnovationfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseScience and Technology / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / College of Engineering Awards / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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Meet Elric Zhang, Ph.D. student who placed 2nd in int’l prize
Science and Technology aims to make lives better through research.Lucas Baker12-21-2022falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringCollege of Engineering AwardsElectrical and ComputerTech InnovationfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseScience and Technology / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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Engineers on the World Cup’s new tech
Science and Technology FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 features remarkable advances in sports engineering.Lucas Baker11-23-2022falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalElectrical and ComputerTech Innovationfalsefalsefalsefalse
falseScience and Technology / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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Miami Researchers Awarded NSF Grant to Study Intelligent Materials’ Activation of the Brain
Science and Technology wireless brain-machine-interface technologies and biomedical therapiesRichard Westlund10-24-2022falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerTech InnovationfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseScience and Technology / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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Engineers Look to the Future of Gaming on National Video Games Day
Science and Technology futures of engineering and gaming are tightly connected.Lucas Baker09-12-2022falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerTech InnovationfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseScience and Technology / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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College of Engineering’s Lokesh Ramamoorthi puts sentient AI in perspective
Science and Technology science fiction to reality, artificial intelligence has long captured the public’s imagination.Elaine Ellis06-22-2022falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerTech InnovationfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseScience and Technology / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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Senior Design Expo highlights engineering achievements
Science and Technology an aerial transportation system on Mars to a new way to rehab wrist paralysis, graduating seniors in the College of Engineering showcased their capstone projects.Robert C. Jones Jr.05-11-2022falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceTech InnovationfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseHealth and Medicine / Science and Technology / Treatment and Breakthroughs / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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Sylvester Joins Forces with College of Engineering to Cure Cancer
Health and MedicineScience and Technology Hilton04-04-2022falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalElectrical and ComputerTreatment and BreakthroughsfalsefalsefalsefalsefalsePeople and Community / Science and Technology / University President / Visiting Speakers / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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Fourth Annual TALIS Day Highlights Innovative Learning Strategies
People and CommunityScience and Technology inclusive classrooms to extended reality (XR) headsets and interdisciplinary team projects, the University of Miami College of Engineering celebrated advanced learning strategies at the fourth annual Teaching and Learning Innovation in STEAM (TALIS) Day conference held March 25 at the Newman Alumni Center.Richard Westlund03-31-2022falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceUniversity PresidentVisiting SpeakersTech InnovationfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseAcademics / Science and Technology / Access and Inclusion / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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Camaraderie and Careers: College of Engineering Celebrates 2022 EWeek
AcademicsScience and Technology Engineering posters on the Foote GreenThe University of Miami College of Engineering celebrated National Engineers Week (EWeek) from February 20 to 26 with a full calendar of events, bringing students together to learn and play.Elaine Ellis03-09-2022falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceAccess and InclusionTech InnovationfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseScience and Technology / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / College of Engineering Alumni Stories / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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College of Engineering Faculty and Students Present Groundbreaking Research on “Research Day”
Science and Technology Andre, College of Engineering graduate student at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, presents her research to Dr. Alsafrjalani from the Department of Electrical and Chemical Engineering.College of Engineering faculty and students presented 85 projects centered on developing innovative solutions to real-world problems.Lucas Baker03-02-2022falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalCollege of Engineering Alumni StoriesElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceTech InnovationfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseScience and Technology / Tech Innovation / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Includes Photo Slideshow/Gallery / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Faculty / Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Mobile /
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Innovative College of Engineering AR Study Could Change the Future of Learning
Science and Technology Arboleda, Ph.D., P.E. and James Giancaspro, Ph.D.Richard Westlund02-04-2022trueStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffFacultyStaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsMobileCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerIncludes Photo Slideshow/GalleryTech Innovationfalsefalsefalsefalse
trueRoadmap / People and Community / Research / Research Excellence / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer /
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Sophomore Builds Cryptocurrency Mining Rig
RoadmapPeople and CommunityResearch engineering student Emnet Yebeltal teamed up with Miami Herbert Business School students for an interdisciplinary project in cryptocurrency mining—verifying transactions on the blockchain.News@TheU08-12-2021falseCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerResearch ExcellencefalsefalsefalsefalsefalseResearch / Grants and Funding / Research Excellence / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans /
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Professor, Jie Xu, Receives Prestigious NSF CAREER Award
Research Xu, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has received the 2021 National Science Foundation's Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award.Matthew Perez05-28-2021falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerGrants and FundingResearch ExcellencefalsefalsefalsefalsefalseAcademics / Academic Excellence / Curricula / Teaching and Learning / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Center for Aerosol Science and Technology / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / College of Engineering Alumni Stories / College of Engineering Awards / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Alumni / Faculty / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / International Students /
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Innovative Department of Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering Created,-environmental-and-materials-department-to-college-of-engineering.html
Academics University of Miami College of Engineering has created a Department of Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (CEME) to meet new aspirations and address challenging issues.Matthew Perez05-27-2021falseAlumniFacultyProspective StudentsCommunity and FansInternational StudentsCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCenter for Aerosol Science and TechnologyCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalCollege of Engineering Alumni StoriesCollege of Engineering AwardsElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceAcademic ExcellenceCurriculaTeaching and LearningfalsefalsefalsefalsetrueAcademics / Research / Academic Excellence / Grants and Funding / Research Excellence / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans /
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Students Earn Fellowships to Propel Their Graduate Studies
AcademicsResearch from top left: Corinne Allen, Lynée Turek-Hankins, Maisy Lam, Leyna Stemle, and Joshua Dominguez.University of Miami students in science and engineering disciplines earned prestigious National Science Foundation scholarships that will help fund graduate research on a range of topics, from climate change to endangered species to wireless power transfer devices.Janette Neuwahl Tannen04-26-2021falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerAcademic ExcellenceGrants and FundingResearch ExcellencefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsePeople and Community / In the Community / Social Impact / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / College of Engineering Alumni Stories / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Faculty/Staff / Community and Fans /
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College of Engineering Showcases Research, Student Projects at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science,-student-projects-at-the-phillip-and-patricia-frost-museum-of-science.html
People and Community News03-05-2021falseStudentsFaculty/StaffCommunity and FansCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalCollege of Engineering Alumni StoriesElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceIn the CommunitySocial ImpactfalsefalsefalsefalsetruePeople and Community / Social Impact / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans /
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Hackathon Seeks Students’ Solutions to Solve Food Waste
People and Community wasteThe virtual Food Future Hack challenges participants to develop innovative approaches to prevent global food excess. Emmalyse Brownstein02-26-2021falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerSocial ImpactfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseAcademics / Research / Academic Excellence / Research Excellence / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Community and Fans /
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Shyu Elected to 2021 AIMBE College of Fellows
AcademicsResearch Professor Mei-Ling Shyu was recognized for her outstanding contributions to the development of machine learning and computational algorithms with applications in bioengineering.Matthew Perez02-18-2021falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffCommunity and FansCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerAcademic ExcellenceResearch ExcellencefalsefalsefalsefalsefalseAcademics / Academic Excellence / Commencement / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / College of Engineering Alumni Stories / College of Engineering Awards / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Community and Fans / Parents /
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Engineering Students Design Medals for 2020 Commencement Ceremony
Academics pair of College of Engineering students teamed up to design graduation medals for the 2020 University of Miami commencement ceremony. Matthew Perez01-12-2021falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffCommunity and FansParentsCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalCollege of Engineering Alumni StoriesCollege of Engineering AwardsElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceAcademic ExcellenceCommencementfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseAcademics / Science and Technology / Academic Excellence / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Center for Aerosol Science and Technology / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / College of Engineering Alumni Stories / College of Engineering Awards / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Patients / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / General Business / Mobile /
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World-Renowned Aerosol Scientist and Engineer is Named Dean of the College of Engineering
AcademicsScience and Technology BiswasPratim Biswas, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, is a pioneer in his field recognized for applying aerosol science and engineering to multiple areas, such as energy and environmental nanotechnology, solar energy, air pollution control, and medicine.News@TheU12-01-2020falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffPatientsProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsGeneral BusinessMobileCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCenter for Aerosol Science and TechnologyCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalCollege of Engineering Alumni StoriesCollege of Engineering AwardsElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceAcademic ExcellencefalsefalsefalsefalsefalseResearch / Breakthroughs / Grants and Funding / Research Excellence / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Faculty / Prospective Students / Community and Fans /
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Connecting Mind to Machine: University of Miami Team Moving Forward on DARPA Project to Revolutionize Non-surgical Brain-Computer Interface
Research team of University of Miami College of Engineering researchers will contribute to the development of non-surgical wearable devices that connect mind to machine.UM News11-23-2020falseStudentsAlumniFacultyProspective StudentsCommunity and FansCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerBreakthroughsGrants and FundingResearch ExcellencefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsePeople and Community / In Memoriam / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Alumni / Faculty/Staff /
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Retired Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor, Eliahu I. Jury, Dies
People and Community News10-05-2020falseAlumniFaculty/StaffCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerIn MemoriamfalsefalsefalsefalsetrueHealth and Medicine / Research / Treatment and Breakthroughs / Research Excellence / College of Engineering / Biomedical / College of Engineering Awards / Electrical and Computer / Students / Faculty / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / International Students /
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Student Enjoys Being at the Forefront of Discovery
Health and MedicineResearch her love for scientific inquiry that developed at a young age, Isadora Smith conducts research that could help lead to revolutionary treatments for Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders.Robert C. Jones Jr.07-31-2020falseStudentsFacultyProspective StudentsCommunity and FansInternational StudentsCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCollege of Engineering AwardsElectrical and ComputerTreatment and BreakthroughsResearch ExcellencefalsefalsefalsefalsefalseAcademics / Academic Excellence / College of Engineering / Biomedical / College of Engineering Awards / Electrical and Computer / Students / Faculty/Staff / Community and Fans / International Students /
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Engineering Undergraduate Wins National Science Foundation REU Award
Academics Smith, a junior in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, received a NSF award to conduct research focusing on discovering novel nanoengineering approaches in the brain. UM News06-09-2020falseStudentsFaculty/StaffCommunity and FansInternational StudentsCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCollege of Engineering AwardsElectrical and ComputerAcademic ExcellencefalsefalsefalsefalsefalseAcademics / University / Academic Excellence / Announcements / College of Engineering / College of Engineering Awards / Electrical and Computer / Students / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / International Students /
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PhD Candidate Mark Ciappesoni Selected for NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities Award
AcademicsUniversity PhD candidate, Mark Ciappesoni, was recently selected as a NASA Space Technology Graduate Researcher.Matthew Perez06-01-2020falseStudentsProspective StudentsCommunity and FansInternational StudentsCollege of EngineeringCollege of Engineering AwardsElectrical and ComputerAcademic ExcellenceAnnouncementsfalsefalsefalsefalsetruePeople and Community / Profile Spotlight / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni / Community and Fans /
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Inventing Solutions With Quantum Computing
People and Community Alumnus of Distinction develops global connections to find solutions.Katy Hennig04-29-2020falseStudentsAlumniCommunity and FansCollege of EngineeringElectrical and ComputerProfile SpotlightfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseRoadmap / University / College of Engineering / College of Engineering Awards / Electrical and Computer / Students / Alumni /
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Recognizing Excellence: Electrical Engineering Student Receives 2020 Louise P. Mills Award Award
RoadmapUniversity 2020 Louise P. Mills Award, which recognizes students who exhibit “leadership ability, academic excellence, and outstanding contributions to the enhancement of women,” has been awarded to Katelyn Menninger, BSEE, ’20.Matthew Perez03-30-2020falseStudentsAlumniCollege of EngineeringCollege of Engineering AwardsElectrical and ComputerfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseAcademics / Academic Excellence / Access and Inclusion / Teaching and Learning / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Faculty/Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students / Hide this item from News Gateway Pages /
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Teaching and Learning Innovation at the Forefront of the College of Engineering’s Future
Academics University of Miami College of Engineering hosted the second annual Teaching and Learning Innovation in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) day – also known as TALIS day.UM News02-12-2020falseStudentsFaculty/StaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceAcademic ExcellenceAccess and InclusionTeaching and LearningfalsefalsetruefalsefalseUniversity / Staff / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Faculty/Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans / Parents / International Students /
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David T. Poole, Director of Admissions, Named to STEM Consortium Board of Directors,-director-of-admissions,-named-to-stem-consortium-board-of-directors.html
University T. Poole, Director of Admission at the University of Miami’s College of Engineering (CoE), has been selected to join the National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools’ (NCSSS) Board of Directors.Matthew Perez01-24-2020falseStudentsFaculty/StaffProspective StudentsCommunity and FansParentsInternational StudentsCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceStafffalsefalsefalsefalsefalseUniversity / Faculty / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Alumni / Faculty/Staff / Community and Fans /
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Industrial Engineering Department Chair, Shihab Asfour, Dies,-dies.html
University his nearly 40-year-career at the University of Miami’s College of Engineering (CoE), Asfour not only touched the lives of students as professor of industrial engineering, but he remained passionate in serving his faculty colleagues, operating as chair of the department for 20 years.UM News12-19-2019falseStudentsAlumniFaculty/StaffCommunity and FansCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceFacultyfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseUniversity / Appointments / Faculty / College of Engineering / Biomedical / Civil, Architectural and Environmental / Electrical and Computer / Industrial / Mechanical and Aerospace / Students / Faculty/Staff /
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Meet Your Faculty Ombudspersons
University more about the University’s ompudspersons resource for faculty and students.UM News12-13-2019falseStudentsFaculty/StaffCollege of EngineeringBiomedicalCivil, Architectural and EnvironmentalElectrical and ComputerIndustrialMechanical and AerospaceAppointmentsFacultyfalsefalsefalsefalsefalseAcademics / Research / Academic Excellence / Research Excellence / College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer / Students / Faculty/Staff / Prospective Students / Community and Fans /