Campus mural showcases commitment to sustainability

Students partnered with University leaders to get creative about sharing updates regarding the impact of solar energy on campus.
Campus mural showcases commitment to sustainability

In August 2021, the University of Miami joined a voluntary initiative, with Florida Power and Light, to increase the use of solar energy throughout all of its campuses. Today, students from the Environment and Conservation Organization (ECO Agency) and Green U continue to partner with University leaders, and the community, to ensure the support and expansion of sustainability efforts. In November 2021, the ECO Agency unveiled its most recent project—a hand-painted mural on the Coral Gables Campus in the Storm Surge room at the Hurricane Food Court—showcasing the benefits and progress of solar energy.

“We love having the ability to collaborate with students from the ECO Agency.  Our combined efforts help the University to move more rapidly toward our sustainability goals. The mural provides a platform to celebrate and engage with the community on the importance of solar energy,” said Jessica Brumley, vice president for the Division of Facilities Operations and Planning. 

According to Gustavo Tovar, chair of Student Government’s ECO Agency, the idea of the mural developed because of the need to communicate information in an effortless manner. “We wanted the ability to highlight the projects that have been funded and have fun with the design and colors,” he shared.

The mural, which was designed by Chris Rogers of Yazi Design studio in Coral Gables, is intended to be a work in progress. As new solar projects are completed at the University the mural is updated with details to help others visualize the impact of the work. 

“The intent of the mural is to educate the community about solar energy and how it can be used to improve our sustainability efforts,” said Teddy L’Houtellier, sustainability manager. “The unique layout allows for new content to be added in the future. When new solar systems are installed on campus, and changes occur at the institutional level, we will make updates to the design.” 

In addition to promoting sustainability literacy, the mural details the impact of the solar energy panels that were installed in 2016 on the roof of the Hurricane Food Court and will showcase upcoming projects. 

“Our goal is to advocate for the use of renewable energy and to continue to work with the University to increase the number of solar panels on campus,” said Tovar. “We would hope to partner with other campuses and departments to continue a solar domino effect.”. 

Read more about Green U and sustainability efforts at the University of Miami.