Master in Urban Design Capstone Studio Investigates Sea Level Rise

 Master in Urban Design Capstone Studio Investigates Sea Level Rise
Associate Professor in Practice Jaime Correa and Lecturer Victor Deupi co-taught the Master in Urban Design capstone studio this summer. The graduating class participated in the Master in Real Estate Charrette at Brickell City Center, they spent four days in New York City, investigated low-density, mid-density, and high-density residential types in various conditions throughout the world, modified them to comply with contemporary requirements, and use them as potential solutions to the current emergence of South Florida sea-level-rise conditions.The final part of the studio focused on the redevelopment of three high land areas in South Florida. Teams of two students selected three portions of Miami-Dade County within the so-called “Sea-level-rise Archipelago of Opportunity” – a chain of disconnected high land areas which, generally, lack a complete range of services to support true urban living. Their carefully crafted work transformed them into complete neighborhoods where both existing residents and climate refugees could find everything needed for daily living at walking distance, including food production and mass transportation. The final urban design project is an opportunity for students to demonstrate the level of competency and rigor required by a program holding a 30-year national reputation.