Creating Brighter Shades

For his winning sunglass case design, senior Giovanni Aprigliano created a collage that captures the U’s bright spirit—past, present, and future.
brighter shades

After two rounds of voting and with the participation of more than 2,000 alumni and friends of the University of Miami, our summer 2021 Brighter Shades campaign has a winner.

The Let’s Throw It Back sunglass case is a striking mix of vintage and contemporary depictions of University icons and landmarks, as well as a nod to the bright horizons that beckon as the U enters its second century. 

The case was designed by Giovanni Aprigliano, a senior in the School of Communication majoring in creative advertising and interactive media with a minor in art and art history. Aprigliano is a staff designer at Orange Umbrella, the University’s full-service, student-run agency, where he first heard of Brighter Shades.

“Our director [at Orange Umbrella] asked us if we would be interested in designing some sunglass cases this summer and they would possibly be put in production and voted on by the alumni,” Aprigliano said. “We all said yes—we just had to do it. And then I found out that the [proceeds] were going to help different students in need, so I was very excited to help out.”

Giovanni Aprigliano

Aprigliano worked on a team with School of Communication classmates and fellow Orange Umbrella staffers Nailah Anderson, a senior majoring in creative advertising, and Rachel Fein, a junior media management major. They developed mood boards to brainstorm different design concepts, and according to Aprigliano, the winning design was inspired by ideas from his teammates.

Once the collage concept was refined, Aprigliano spent many hours—a cumulative total of three days, by his estimation—in the University archives searching through images. “I looked through old magazines and yearbooks to find the right photos. It was so much fun, and I was able to see such a rich history,” he said.

Aprigliano’s own family is part of that history. His father, Mark Aprigliano, is a double alumnus, having earned his M.B.A. in 1986, and was a manager of the Rathskeller, as is Giovanni. The Brighter Shades design is, according to Aprigliano, "a reflection of his time at the University and how our legacy has continued."

The Let's Throw It Back case is available complete with sunglasses for a minimum donation of $30.  Donations will help support students who experience sudden financial hardship due to family finances, severe illness, or another emergency. Order yours today!
