Miami Herbert professor pays it forward

Andrea Heuson’s efforts as the top Giving Day ambassador for the University of Miami yielded generous alumni support for the Bermont Carlin Scholars program.
heuson large

Andrea Heuson, professor of finance and academic director of Real Estate Programs at Miami Herbert Business School, is a big believer in paying it forward. “I think that the people who graduated from the University of Miami benefited from the generosity of people who came before them,” said Heuson. “And once you’re out, you sort of need to reciprocate and help people who will come after you.”

Heuson has donated to various University causes and initiatives during her more than three decades at the U and has given consecutively for the past 21 years. She saw the University’s fourth annual Giving Day in October 2022 as the perfect avenue to encourage giving among a network of alumni that she has cultivated since her time at the U beginning in 1982. Her enthusiasm and efforts paid off. At the end of the 24-hour digital campaign, Heuson earned the honors as the University’s top Giving Day ambassador by bringing in contributions from 47 different donors and raising over $26,000 in gifts.

Josh Friedman, senior vice president for development and alumni relations, commended Heuson for her dedication to making a lasting impact on Giving Day.

“Andrea’s efforts as an ambassador represent the generous spirit of Giving Day, and we are sure that her accomplishment will inspire other ’Canes to give back in creative ways,” Friedman said.

Heuson’s focus for Giving Day was to raise money for the Bermont Carlin Scholars program, a program for high-achieving finance students that helps prepare them for employment after graduation. Established over 12 years ago, the Bermont Carlin Scholars program, a program she helped to co-found, has helped hundreds of students gain expertise in finance and secure competitive jobs.

“The ask was to a group of people who had already been through this program so they understood the importance of being prepared, and they’re already successful, and they’re doing well, so they can afford to give money,” said Heuson. “I was lucky enough to be in a position to have an end result that I knew the people I was going to ask would be interested in.”

Heuson said that being the top ambassador this year came as a surprise and was a great feeling. She also emphasized that encouraging philanthropy and support of the University is not only something reserved for Giving Day but should be practiced year-round. When asked about what advice she would give to others looking to raise money for the U and its efforts, Heuson recommended persistence, gratitude, and passion.

“If you love the cause, then it’s easy. I am never unhappy if somebody says no. I never get depressed or feel badly about asking somebody for money because I believe in the cause that I’m asking for money for,” Heuson said. “As long as you are sure that the cause you’re asking for is worthwhile, then if somebody says no, you know, I’ll come back later and ask again, at a different time.”
