Intensive English Program

Intensive English Program

Getting ahead with Summer Sessions at the U

Summer programs and courses at the University of Miami can help students earn credit to get closer to graduation, enable employees to enhance their professional skills, and help high school students prepare for college.

Intensive English Program

Welcoming English Language Learners at the University of Miami

The University of Miami’s Intensive English Program (IEP) creates a home on campus for international students seeking to improve their English reading, writing, and speaking skills.

Intensive English Program

DCIE Celebrates Thanksgiving With Intensive English Program Students

The Division of Continuing and International Education’s Intensive English Program hosted its 38th annual Student Thanksgiving Celebration on November 17th.

Intensive English Program

Colombian actress Catherine Siachoque finds new voice in the University of Miami's Intensive English Program

Catherine Siachoque is known internationally for her roles in various telenovelas like Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso and Decisiones, but to her classmates, she's just Catherine.

Intensive English Program

UM students give thanks

Across campus this week, students packed up and traveled home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Before the campus emptied out, News@TheU asked several University of Miami Hurricanes what they are thankful for this year.

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