Housing and Residential Life has a strong impact at SEAHO.
From left to right: Dr. Lorella Di Gregorio, Dr. Karoline Mortensen, Dr. Joy Beverly, Tiffani Idol, Dr. Leslie Knecht, Matt McCabe, Dr. Nick Carcioppolo.

Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) advances excellence in housing programs and staff by promoting best practices, professional development, networking, and involvement opportunities. Each year, SEAHO hosts their annual conference where professional staff members gather to benefit from educational programs, meet corporate partners, and engage with colleagues from around the region. During the conference, SEAHO’s Award and Recognition Committee, announces the winners to a variety of awards.  

University of Miami, Housing and Residential Life (HRL), was nominated and won three awards. Finish Strong won the Academic Collaboration Award. This award is presented to the housing department that have programs in place where there is a collaboration between housing and academic affairs. Finish Strong, led by Matt McCabe and the Residential Faculty, started as an evening study session over a decade ago and has grown into one of HRL’s signature programs. McCabe wrote a profound nomination to the board that outlines their final exam preparatory program. There is a vast amount of data that indicates the correlation between attending Finish Strong and high final exam grades.  

Another award won is the University of Miami SEAHO Service Award. Each university has the opportunity to choose who this award is given to. This year, the honor went to Gabbie Frekot. Gabbie is in her second-year post-masters and works as a Residential Life Coordinator. “Gabbie is an incredible professional and is representing us well at the state and regional level. She excels in her day-to-day job and serves our students,” says Tiffani Idol, director of residential life and education. Gabbie has attended SEAHO for the past two years, attends the Florida Housing Officers (FHO) meetings in the fall, and has also taken a student team to the LEAP conference the past two years. She is also responsible for writing the bid for the University to host the conference this coming fall.

Gabbie Frekot

The Resolution of Appreciation award was also awarded to HRL for hosting the Regional Entry Level Institute (RELI). RELI is an intensive professional development experience for entry-level professionals who aspire to mid-level positions in housing and residential life. It is open to professionals with one to three years of experience. This experience allows entry-level professionals to network and receive mentorship from mid-to senior-level professionals. UM has hosted RELI during the summers of 2020 – 2023, although some of those had to be virtual due to the pandemic. The last two years have been in person and those selected to attend have been welcomed to the University of Miami.  

Housing and Residential Life continues to make an impact—not only in student’s lives but in the lives of all those they come in contact with. Recently, Liz Ingrao was announced as Committee Chair-Select for the SEAHO Professional Development Committee for 2025-2026. To win these awards is a tremendous honor and a true testament to the dedication HRL brings to the University.
