Raymond and Doris LaCombe Gift UCatholic

Raymond and Doris LaCombe, devote Catholics, donated $500,000 to the Catholic Student Center to continue the enhancement of student programming.
Raymond and Doris LaCombe Gift UCatholic

Pictured left to right: Fr Richard Vigoa, Susan Adams, Richard Bermont, Anne Levy, and Pat Whitely. Photo: Catherine Mairena/University of Miami.

The St. Augustine Catholic Parish and Student Center at the University of Miami has been a sanctuary for students seeking solace, guidance, and community helping students make the best of their college experience.  

Having lived in Miami for over 50 years, Raymond and Doris LaCombe were dedicated professionals in the Finance industry. They lived their life to the fullest: gardening, playing tennis, watching football, but most importantly dedicating their life to the Catholic Church. As they became older, they developed a plan to benefit those less fortunate. Guided by their strong Catholic faith, they implemented an estate plan that left the bulk of their wealth to charities, many of which are affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. Susan Adams, estate attorney for the LaCombe’s, states, “The LaCombe’s would be delighted to know that University of Miami students are now benefiting from the wonderful Catholic Center on campus and will continue to do for many years to come.” 

The LaCombe’s and their gift were honored during 7 p.m. mass on Tuesday, February 11 at the Catholic Student Center. “On Tuesday, we gathered as a UCatholic community to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, to remind ourselves that holiness is not a distant ideal but our calling, rooted in Christ. Lourdes is a place of faith and miracles, and God continues to work miracles in our lives here and now, often in ways we do not expect. We also gave thanks for the lives of Doris and Raymond LaCombe, whose generous gift helps ensure that our mission here continues to thrive. Their legacy is a reminder that faith lived out in love bears lasting fruit. May we, like them, answer God’s call with courage and generosity,” states Fr Richard Vigoa, Pastor of St. Augustine Catholic Parish and UM Catholic Center.   

“The UCatholic Center was so honored to receive this gift from Raymond and Doris LaCombe. I have no doubt that they would be thrilled to witness the extraordinary impact and grace their gift will enviably have on our UM Catholic student community,” states Pat Whitely, senior vice president for student affairs and alumni engagement. University of Miami student, Matthew Justin, adds, “Whenever alumni and parishioners come to serve and share a meal with us at Mass and Meal, they often express what a blessing it is to see young people gathering for Mass on a Tuesday night as a community. But in truth, the blessing is mine. Every time I encounter one of them and witness their generosity—whether through a gift or an act of service—I am reminded that my faith is not just a temporary experience confined to my time in school. Rather, it is a lifelong relationship that will continue to shape me far beyond these years. It’s easy to be Catholic in an environment where we pray together, attend Mass, lead Bible studies, and go on retreats. But these alumni and parishioners show us that living out our faith is not only possible in the ‘real world’—it’s essential. Even with the demands of work, family, and daily responsibilities, they demonstrate that a life centered on Christ remains within reach. In a time when secular culture seems to dominate so much of society, their witness has given me hope—not just for my own future, but for the future of UCatholic as well.” 

Richard Bermont, the LaCombe’s financial advisor for over 50 years leaves this touching tribute, “Ray and Doris were two of my most special friends. Both were hired as economists for First Federal Savings and Loan. Their office was one block from mine, so Ray would “drop in” to visit around lunch time. He would go to mass every morning, then park on the 6th floor of the garage and walk to the 16th floor to stay in shape. Over time we got to know each other quite well, and they requested I become their financial advisor.” The LaCombe’s leave a legacy, not only with the students at the Catholic Student Center but in the lives, they touched every day. 
