Congrats Med 'Canes!

Match Day inspires cheers and tears of joy as students celebrate their futures.
Match Day 2018
Shouts of joy filled the tent as confetti rained down on the happy students and their families.

After three and a half years of medical school, a long residency application process, and an exciting, stressful week of waiting, the students under the tent in the Schoninger Research Quadrangle on Friday counted down the final 10 seconds to noon, dodged the confetti shooting through the air, and opened the envelopes that told them where they would spend the next several years of their lives.

It was Match Day across the nation, and the screams of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s fourth-year students could be heard across the campus as they celebrated their residency acceptances with family and friends.

“You have been an absolutely wonderful class,” said Edward Abraham, M.D., executive vice president for health affairs, CEO of UHealth, and dean of the Miller School. “We look forward to hearing from you moving forward. Congratulations to all of you, and to your families as well.”

Alex J. Mechaber, M.D., senior associate dean for undergraduate medical education, thanked “the most amazing team of medical education deans you’ll find anywhere in the country,” along with the other faculty and staff who contributed so much. “This week culminates with one of the most important days in a medical student’s career — a day when we all find out where the next chapter in their careers will take place,” he said. “It’s a little nerve-wracking leading up to the day, but exciting nonetheless.”

More about this inspiring day at

Photos from Match Day
