Two Miami Herbert professors are among the world’s most-cited researchers

Marlen Lebish, 11-19-2020

Even during a global pandemic Miami Herbert Business School faculty are producing influential bodies of work.


Professor Yadong Luo and Professor Emeritus A. Parasuraman were named to a list of the world’s most influential researchers; faculty have authored more than 30 published works connected to a wide range of business topics, and there are no signs of slowing down.

Luo and Parasuraman were named to the 2020 Highly Cited Researchers list from Clarivate Analytics. The annual list recognizes world-class researchers who have demonstrated significant influence in their fields. Researchers on the list have published multiple papers that rank in the top 1 percent by citations in their fields over the past decade (2009-2019) in Clarivate’s Web of Science citation index. Lou and Parasuraman were two of nine University of Miami professors named to the prestigious list.

The methodology that determines the “who’s who” of influential researchers draws on the data and analysis performed by bibliometric experts from the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate.

“Professor Luo’s and Parasuraman’s high citation rate is validation of the impact his research is having on in the world,” said Dhananjay Nanda, vice dean for faculty and research. “We’re very proud of Professors Luo, Parasuraman, and faculty for producing such influential work.”

Parasuraman is renowned for his pathbreaking work on service quality in the marketing field. Luo’s research focuses on global strategy and international business.

“It's a great honor to represent my Miami Herbert colleagues, many of whom have contributed so profoundly and in so many ways to the school, community, and society,” said Luo. “This recognition only reminds me that our research journey is long, and we can hardly keep up with emerging issues that need to be explored through combining theoretical insights and societal relevance.”   

Stanford University recently released a list representing the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientist in various disciplines, which includes six Miami Herbert faculty members—Luo, Parasuraman, Alok Kumar, Terri Scandura, Chester Schriesheim, and Arun Sharma.

In addition to these faculty recognitions, this year, 41 articles authored by Miami Herbert faculty have appeared in journals recognized by the Financial Times as the top journals for Business scholarship. These journals include Academy of Management Journal; The Accounting Review; Journal of Financial Economics; Management Science; Journal of Marketing Research; and MIS Quarterly.

“Our 2020 publication success shows an extraordinary growth over the last few years,” said Nanda. Five years ago, in 2016, MHBS faculty published 15 articles in these journals. Our 2020 publications represent an almost 150% increase over that year!”