Health Insurance Requirement and Subsidy for Coral Gables Campus Students

As you prepare for the 2018-2019 academic year, this message provides important information on health insurance and the student health insurance subsidy. Please read this information carefully and in its entirety.

Health Insurance Requirement

Graduate students are required to obtain adequate health insurance according to the insurance guidelines provided for Domestic Students and International Students.  All international students are required to be insured under the University student health insurance plan.

 total cost to student $3,096.00


Waiving the University of Miami Student Health Insurance
Deadline: July 25, 2018

As a reminder, per the communications sent by Student Health Service, the deadline to waive the University’s student health insurance plan is July 25, 2018. If you do not want to enroll in the University's student health insurance plan for 2018-2019 and have alternative coverage, you must waive the University's student health insurance plan via You will be required to provide proof of alternative, acceptable insurance coverage in order for the waiver to be accepted. See additional information provided on the Student Health Service website. If you do not waive the University’s student health insurance plan, you automatically will be enrolled and charged the cost of the University’s student health insurance plan.


Health Insurance Subsidy

As in previous years, the Graduate School in collaboration with the Office of the Provost, will provide an 80% subsidy for the University’s student health insurance for graduate students who 1) have an active assignment for Fall 2018 as a Research Assistant (RA), Teaching Assistant (TA), Graduate Assistant (GA), Fellow or Trainee AND 2) who are enrolled in a terminal and eligible degree program on the Coral Gables Campus (this includes Ph.D., D.M.A.and M.F.A. programs only). Both domestic and international students in such programs are eligible for the subsidy. NOTE: The 80% subsidy described herein does not apply to graduate students enrolled in School of Nursing and Health Studies programs, RSMAS programs, or Medical School programs. Students enrolled in online programs also are not eligible for this subsidy.
Signing up for the Health Insurance Subsidy
Coral Gables graduate students who meet the eligibility requirements for the 80% subsidy are required to sign up for the subsidy in CaneLink using the Student tab – Other Important Links section. Click here for instructions. If the subsidy option does not appear on your CaneLink screen, please contact your academic department immediately to verify the status of your assignment and/or course enrollment.  Once you sign up for the subsidy this is an irrevocable election.

subsidy deadline is October 1, 2018

Health Insurance Payments
Students who sign up for the 80% subsidy will be responsible for paying only the remaining 20%, which amounts to a total cost of $619.20 for the period August 15, 2018 through August 14, 2019. This amount will be deducted from monthly paychecks (for RA/TA/GAs) or stipends (for Fellows and Trainees) in three equal installments: October ($206.40), November ($206.40), and December ($206.40).
Fall Graduates
Students who are graduating at the end of the Fall semester are advised to contact Student Health Service at if they would like to cancel their insurance for the Spring/Summer semester. 


Dependent Coverage

Enrollment for dependent coverage is available through USI Insurance Services for both domestic and international students. You must first enroll in the University student health insurance plan and have an active policy with United Healthcare in order to enroll your dependent(s). Dependent enrollment must be for the same coverage period as that of yourself, the graduate student. Dependent(s) must be enrolled within 14 days of the policy start date (with the exception of newborns). Domestic Partners are not eligible for enrollment.  Dependents are not eligible for patient care at the Student Health Service. The preferred method of enrollment is via phone (payment options credit card, MasterCard, VISA) by calling USI at (800) 853-5899. Customer care representatives are available Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm PST. Please note that the dependent coverage is not subsidized, entirely or in part, by the University. You will be responsible for 100% of the cost of dependent coverage.

Dental and Vision Insurance

Dental and vision coverage is offered through United Healthcare for both domestic and international students. Click here to view the Dental and Vision Guide. Enrollment in the UM sponsored health insurance plan is not required to purchase this combined dental/vision coverage. Students who are enrolled in the UM sponsored health insurance plan who enroll in dental/vision coverage, may also enroll their dependent(s). Although University of Miami Optometry services are not currently participating in this plan, they may participate in the near future. Updates will be posted as soon as participation arrangements are finalized. UM Oral Medicine does participate in the plan and appointments can be made at 305-243-CARE. More information is available at Please note that the dental and visions plans are not subsidized, entirely or in part, by the University. All questions regarding the new dental and vision plan, should be directed to UHC’s customer service (Dental) 1- 888-877-2780 and (Vision) 1-800-638-3120.

General questions about the student health insurance plan and waiving coverage can be answered at the Student Health Service website. Should you have questions regarding the subsidy and eligibility, please contact Ms. Ana Paneda, Executive Director for Business Operations at the Graduate School, at
