UM Alumnus Awarded Marine Policy Fellowships

Two UM Rosenstiel School alumnus joined 2019 class of prestigious fellowship program
UM Alumnus Awarded Marine Policy Fellowships
Emma Hollowell received a dual degree in 2018, a juris doctor from the UM School of Law and Masters of Professional Science (MPS) specializing in coastal zone management from the UM Rosenstiel School.

MIAMI—The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Sea Grant recently announced that two University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science alumnus have joined the 2019 class of the John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship program. This fall, the 2019 finalists will travel to Washington, D.C., to interview with several executive or legislative offices. Following placement, they will begin their fellowship in February 2019.

Emma Hollowell received a dual degree in 2018, a juris doctor from the UM School of Law and Masters of Professional Science (MPS) specializing in coastal zone management from the UM Rosenstiel School.

"I applied to the JD-MPS program because I was interested in environmental law and policy, particularly as related to marine environments,” said Hollowell. “I will be able to produce and influence environmental policy related to the oceans and coasts at the federal level and work with high ranking executives in various agencies to effectuate actual change and increase the amount of science used by the government in drafting and enforcing legislation. This experience will enrich and undoubtedly shape the rest of my career as an environmental attorney."   

Katie Lohr received her MPS degree specializing in tropical marine ecosystem management from the UM Rosenstiel School in 2011.

“The Knauss fellowship is one of Sea Grant’s flagship programs. Every class of Knauss fellows continues to raise the bar, and the 2019 finalists are no exception,” said Jonathan Pennock, Director of the National Sea Grant College Program. “I’m also happy to share that in response to growing demand for Sea Grant Knauss fellows in federal government offices, we are pleased to include two additional legislative fellowships for the 40th anniversary class.”

Executive appointments for the 2018 Knauss fellows included placements throughout NOAA as well as with Department of the Interior, National Science Foundation, U.S. Navy, and other agencies. Legislative placements included the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (Minority), the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (Majority), the Senate Commerce Committee (Majority and Minority), the House Committee on Natural Resources (Minority), and several placements in both majority and minority Congressional offices.

The 2019 finalists will become the 40th class of the John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship program. The 66 finalists represent 30 of the 33 Sea Grant programs. This year’s Knauss finalists join a group of over 1,200 professionals who have received hands-on experiences transferring science to policy and management through one-year appointments with Federal government offices in Washington, D.C.

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