Field Notes on Pandemic Teaching

Assistant Professor Germane Barnes contributes an opinion piece to "Field Notes on Pandemic Teaching," Places Journal's feature on the massive shift to remote learning.
Field Notes on Pandemic Teaching

Places Journal, an essential and trusted platform on architecture, landscape, and urbanism solicited a range of educators to participate in a multivocal editorial project on the current COVID-19 crisis. Assistant Professor Germane Barnes is one of the many voices that contributed an opinion piece to Field Notes on Pandemic Teaching. Responding to what he thinks are the crucial issues, fear and hope for the future as well as project architecture education forward, Professor Barnes provided commentary on the increasing divide of the privileged and disadvantaged and how these circumstances are forcing educators to confront their own biases and as a historic opportunity for inventing new modes of teaching, for making our schools more compassionate and creative — and for finally removing the barriers to entry and ensuring that our schools of design are fairer, more accessible, and more humane. Read more.