Grand Tour of Europe fosters new perspectives

The tour included visits to Paris, Venice, Florence, Rome, Athens, and the stunning Greek islands of Mykonos and Rhodes, as well as Toledo and Madrid.
Grand Tour of Europe fosters new perspectives

Students and faculty have returned to Miami after participating in the Grand Tour travel program, where they explored some of Europe’s most significant historical buildings and public spaces. The program provided on-site instruction, offering a deep understanding of the architecture and history of these cities.

The tour included visits to Paris, Venice, Florence, Rome, Athens, and the stunning Greek islands of Mykonos and Rhodes, as well as Toledo and Madrid. During the journey, students received enlightening on-site lectures from professors Frank Martinez and Ana Regalado, who provided in-depth insights into the historical context, references, precedents, and theoretical ideas behind the architecture they observed.

Matt Jarmon from the School of Architecture reflected on the transformative experience, stating, “The Grand Tour of Europe was an unforgettable experience, offering a unique opportunity to explore cities foundational to Western architecture. Seeing the buildings in person allowed me to comprehend their origins and influences in a way that was previously unimaginable. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity, as it has significantly enhanced my understanding and connection to architecture. I’ve already applied this knowledge in my internship and am excited to incorporate what I learned into my future projects.”

The program was not limited to architecture students. Sofia Milo from the Herbert Business School shared her initial apprehensions and subsequent revelations, “I approached the Grand Tour trip with a mix of excitement and nerves. As a business student, I wasn’t sure what to expect or if I would be able to keep up with the group. However, Professor Martinez’s openness to questions allowed me to learn the foundations of architecture. Experiencing architecture in person, rather than through pictures or drawings, was incredible. Not only did I learn about architecture in some of the world’s most beautiful places, but I also formed new friendships and created lasting memories. Overall, I would highly recommend this trip to any business student looking to expand their horizons.”

This Grand Tour travel program proved to be an educational journey, enriching students' understanding of architecture and fostering new perspectives and connections.
