Sport Administration Is Now the Largest Program in the University of Miami’s School of Education


"Miami is a great sports town and getting better," wrote Miami Herald sports columnist Greg Cote recently. “South Florida fans have cheered six major national championships —three NBA titles, two World Series wins and a college football crown —within the past 20 years.”

“We have a variety of sports to rival any city in the world...there is no greater place for a sports fan to be than Miami in terms of an ever-expanding smorgasbord of options and major events,” wrote Cote.

And, we would add, there is no greater place to launch a career in sports than the University of Miami. Based on enrollment, students agree: Sport Administration is now the largest program in the School of Education.

UM offers several different paths to a Sport Administration degree. There is an undergraduate bachelor of science in education (B.S.Ed.), the 15-credit Sport Administration minor, the on-campus master of science in education (M.S.Ed.), and the UOnline MSED Sport Administration program.

There are currently 184 undergraduate Sport Administration majors, as well as 160+ minors, according to Susan Mullane, Ph.D., associate professor and coordinator of the undergraduate Sport Administration program.

There is roughly 250 graduate students in the UOnline MSED -Sport Administration program, with another 25-30 on-campus students, says Windy Dees, Ph.D., associate professor and graduate program director of the MSED in Sport Administration program. Undergraduate class sizes are capped at 25 students, and some of the core courses (sport marketing, finance, communication, ethics, leadership, law, and facility/event management) have two sections, notes Dr. Mullane.

The same is true for the UOnline graduate program, which adds Carissa Johnson, EdD, Director of Online Enrollment Management. “Our class sizes are manageable, especially given the number of students. Recently we have added two full-time faculty members (seven total) and we also have a few adjunct faculty who teach non-core classes such as sales/ticketing, campus recreation administration, and gaming and casino management,” says Dr. Mullane.

The top-notch, nationally recognized faculty who teach on campus are the same ones who teach students in the UOnline graduate program. Whether online or on-campus, “We strive to maintain quality by providing our students with individual attention through classroom and internship experiences with the goal of placing them into all segments of the sport industry. We have numerous networking opportunities with guest speakers in classes and volunteer opportunities in all of the various sporting events and facilities in the Miami area,” says Dr. Mullane.

“This is a great location for students in the field of Sport Administration, and coupled with the academic and athletic reputation of the University of Miami, we believe our program will continue to be among the best —if not the best —in the country.”

To find out more about the MSED in Sport Administration program and how it can benefit sport careers for graduates all over the world, speak with an enrollment advisor at 800-411-2290, or visit the site for more information.
