How to avoid health complications during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dr. Marcos Sanchez-Gonzalez, an instructor of the Division’s Allergy Diagnostics & Allergy Immunotherapy Training Workshop, shared insights with Telemundo 51 on how complications can emerge.
How to avoid health complications during the COVID-19 pandemic

Telemundo 51, the North American Spanish-language television network, interviewed Dr. Marcos Sanchez-Gonzalez of the University of Miami Division of Continuing and International Education's Allergy Diagnostics & Allergen Immunotherapy Training Workshop to discuss the adverse health effects of untreated or poorly managed conditions, such as allergies.

Dr. Marcos Sanchez-Gonzalez is an instructor of the training workshop scheduled to start in the Spring 2021 semester at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, an expert in cardiovascular physiology, and the director of continuing medical education at Larkin Community Hospital. During the Spanish interview, he discussed how poorly managed allergies and other diseases play a significant role in health complications during the pandemic.

As many of the clinics that offer treatment to individuals with underlying conditions have closed during the quarantine, individuals who suffer from allergies, hypertensive diabetes, and certain cancers have stopped receiving care during the COVID-19 pandemic and have thus been experiencing complications, according to Dr. Sanchez-Gonzalez. He called it the "crisis within the crisis."

“Many of the reactions that occur in the body have to do with chronic inflammation. We already know that there is an intimate relationship between inflammation and the development of cardiovascular conditions and cardiovascular complications,” said Dr. Sanchez-Gonzalez.

To avoid health complications, he advised contacting your primary care physician to ensure your medications are up-to-date and refilled as needed.

Dr. Sanchez-Gonzalez says, "the patient who has their disease well-controlled will have less susceptibility to the virus, and if they have symptoms, they should be less severe."

To view the full story aired in Spanish on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, click here.

About the University of Miami Division of Continuing and International Education

The Division of Continuing and International Education at the University of Miami aims to empower people to reach their full potential through lifelong and lifewide learning. With more than 70 credit and non-credit programs available, the Division focuses on creating continuous learning experiences that transform individuals, organizations, and entire communities. For more information, visit and connect with the Division on Facebook and Twitter. To speak with an enrollment advisor about the Division’s Allergy Diagnostics and Allergen Immunotherapy Training Workshop endorsed by the Academy of Allergy & Asthma in Primary Care, call 305-284-4000.
