Dr. Minutti-Meza Appointed Sr. Economic Research Fellow to PCAOB

Miguel Minutti-Meza, Associate Professor of Accounting, was appointed Sr. Economic Research Fellow during 2018-2019 at the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).
Dr. Minutti-Meza Appointed Sr. Economic Research Fellow to PCAOB

Dr. Minutti-Meza will be conducting research on the auditor’s communication of critical matters to the audit committee. This communication plays an important role in the recently required expanded auditor’s report. 

The PCAOB is a regulatory body that oversees the auditors of public companies that participate in the U.S. capital markets. It was established by the U.S. Congress and operates under the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The PCAOB’s Economic Research Fellowship aims to generate high-quality publishable economic research on topics of direct relevance to the PCAOB’s mission.

Fellows work independently, providing an outside perspective in analyzing data collected by the PCAOB through its oversight activities. In addition, Fellows have the opportunity to engage closely with PCAOB staff in the development of research projects and serve as a valuable resource to staff economists.
