College Launches Tech-Focused Program for Working Professionals

The University of Miami College of Engineering is launching an Engineering and Technology Program aimed at helping working professionals build the next stage of their career.
College Launches Tech-Focused Program for Working Professionals
Elric Zhang, Ph.D. Graduate Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

As Miami’s tech movement leads an increasing number of entrepreneurs, startups, and large companies to call South Florida home, the College is excited to meet the growing needs of working professionals and businesses.

Companies that give employees the opportunity to update their skills in alignment with changing business needs not only improve morale but also double the amount of time that employees stay at the company, according to LinkedIn.

Supported by the generosity of the José Milton Foundation, the College is launching its new Engineering and Technology Program–offering a slate of tech-focused Short Courses supporting the upskilling needs of South Florida companies and working professionals.

“Our goal is to accelerate Miami’s technology evolution, with the University of Miami as the chosen resource for expertise, research, innovation, and training for success,” said Ana VeigaMilton, the foundation’s president, and a member of the University’s Board of Trustees.

Short Courses, taking place over a handful of days or weeks, complement corporate strategies aimed at promoting digital fluency, technical expertise, and professional versatility in the workplace. Working professionals can sign up for Short Courses on their own as well, equipping themselves with the skills to get ahead in their current role or pivot to a new career altogether.

Lokesh Ramamoorthi, lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Miami.

Lokesh Ramamoorthi, faculty expert, to lead inaugural Short Courses

The College will kick off the program with an offering tailored to the needs of Miami’s growing tech movement, a Short Courses in Software Engineering led by Lokesh Ramamoorthi, lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. “Software engineering undergirds everything we depend on nowadays. These short courses,” Ramamoorthi says, “put the power of software engineering and app development in your hands, making you more capable at work and your organization more effective.”

Short Courses in Software Engineering consist of three modules: Computing and Digital Innovations, Trends in Cloud Computing, and Develop Your Mobile App. Participants can pick a specific module that fits their needs or take all three to supercharge their technical skills. Click here to enroll.

Ramamoorthi is an expert in the field with over 15 years of experience in information technology focused on cybersecurity and software engineering. He’s worked for Fortune 100 clients in software design and development, project management, cybersecurity, and technical operations management. In 2015, he received his Master of Business Administration from the University of Miami Business School and his Master of Science in Software Engineering from the Coimbatore Institute of Technology in 2004.

More Short Courses to come

Pratim Biswas, dean of the College of Engineering, said the Engineering and Technology Program serves as, “a resource to the Miami and global community. In addition to training the next generation’s workforce through our bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degree programs, we want professionals to take advantage of our Short Courses to learn new skills, refresh their knowledge of the latest advances, and engage in lifelong learning.”

Biswas emphasized the global reach of the College’s offerings: “Miami Engineering is implementing a series of strategic initiatives aimed at tackling the global challenges we face today.” Short Courses offered in the future will draw from the College’s deep expertise in a wide variety of cutting-edge fields such as aerosol science, additive manufacturing, health engineering, and more.

The inaugural Short Courses in Software Engineering will be offered on-site across three weekends: July 16 and 17, July 23 and 24, and August 13 and 14. Click here to learn more and enroll.
