Ana Santana pursued her passion for film through the University’s Pre-College Program as a junior in high school. Now a senior at the U, she is on track to graduate this year with a degree in film production and English.
Elena Rivero-Mallo, a longtime employee in the Office of the Secretary to the Board of Trustees, earned her degree through the University’s Bachelor of General Studies program.
Armando Droulers has traveled the world lecturing on art, culture, and design at museums, universities, and on cruise ships. He has been an instructor at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute for nearly two decades.
Francis Ford Coppola joined students via Zoom during the University’s Summer Scholars Program
Local historian and author Cesar Becerra joins Mary Brickell’s great granddaughter in telling the forgotten history of a pioneer Miami family
Developed by the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine in collaboration with the Division of Continuing and International Education, the self-paced, Spanish-language course is targeted at medical professionals in Latin American countries who may not have access to reliable information on AI.
A retired aerospace program manager, Mark Egdall teaches popular courses on Einstein’s theory of relativity, the Big Bang, and the space-time continuum.
Xavier Cortada, artist in residence for Miami-Dade County, brings his interactive public art campaign to campus.
The California native returned to the University of Miami to complete his degree after being drafted in 2021.
Not long after her husband died, she did a Google search and found her way to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
Along with his wife, Norma, Guillermo Cueto joined the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in 2017 and said the couple enjoy their new friendships, intellectual discussions, and many social activities.
Shalala congratulated members of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute for investing in a “longer and healthier life” through the program, which began in 1984 as the Institute for Retired Professionals.