Spotlight on Angie Alexander: OLLI’s Resident Linguaphile and Arts Enthusiast

Angie Alexander has been a member of OLLI since 2016 and an avid student of arts and languages. She finds inspiration in the intellectual engagement of her fellow OLLI members and enjoys the social community that OLLI provides.
Spotlight on Angie Alexander: OLLI’s Resident Linguaphile and Arts Enthusiast
OLLI Members visit the Lowe Art Museum at the University of Miami, 2014

Angie Alexander embodies the best qualities of our OLLI membership from the moment she begins talking. She is intellectually curious, open-minded, eager, and sociable. Angie has explored many passions in her life, formerly in ad sales at a newspaper and currently as a student of graphic design. Her OLLI experience has been a deep dive into various languages and art forms, such as watercolor and acrylic painting.

Prior to the pandemic, Angie volunteered at the front desk and at social events hosted by OLLI. “So many things happen in that little hall!” she recalls, in reference to the Founders Hall that is home to OLLI at UM.

These days she is motivated to keep her mind and social life active by her peers in the program. The day after we speak, she is having dinner with three fellow members whom she calls “walking testimonials” of the value of OLLI.

“I observe other members, for example, the ladies I’m having dinner with tomorrow. They’re in pretty good shape, mind-wise, and I feel that that is something I need to do… You’ve got to keep your mind active.”

Angie has been a dedicated student of languages, taking both Italian and French at OLLI. She is even “planning on visiting Italy and France now that [she is] familiar with both languages.” As for her other post-pandemic plans, she would like to go back to auditing classes at UM, which is a perk that comes along with the OLLI membership.

When asked what she would tell someone who is considering joining OLLI, her pitch is delightfully sincere. “It definitely beats boredom. Go and socialize and learn something! The classes are so much fun.”

“Lifelong learning is something I never thought about until I discovered OLLI… Now that I’m in it, I’m in it for life.”

Division of Continuing and International Education
Division of Continuing and International Education