Graduate inspires daughters with nearly decade-long journey to earn her degree

Elena Rivero-Mallo, a longtime employee in the Office of the Secretary to the Board of Trustees, earned her degree through the University’s Bachelor of General Studies program.
Graduate inspires daughters with nearly decade-long journey to earn her degree

Bachelor of General Studies graduate Elena Rivero-Mallo pauses for a selfie with Guillermo "Willy" Prado, interim provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, and Pat Whitely, senior vice president for student affairs and alumni engagement, after commencement in December.

After Elena Rivero-Mallo walked across the stage at commencement, she was immediately greeted by members of her extensive University of Miami "work family."

Manuel "Manny" Kadre, chair of the University’s Board of Trustees, jumped down off the platform to give her a big hug. Guillermo "Willy" Prado, interim provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, joined Patricia "Pat" Whitely, senior vice president for student affairs and alumni engagement, in grabbing a quick selfie with her.

"It was surreal," said Rivero-Mallo, who started her career at the University in the Office of the General Counsel nearly a decade ago. "My grin was definitely from ear to ear. I felt so accomplished."

In her position as director of board administration for the Board of Trustees, Rivero-Mallo serves as a liaison between board members and University administration. She said she has been overwhelmed by the well wishes she has received from throughout the University community since graduating in December.

Still, the biggest impression she said she hoped to make was on her two daughters, Kayla, who entered the University this semester as a junior in the School of Communication, and 14-year-old Khloe.

"It’s never too late to finish something that you want to accomplish," said Rivero-Mallo, a former paralegal who earned her degree through the University’s Bachelor of General Studies program. A part of the Division of Continuing and International Education (DCIE), the program is designed to provide flexibility for working professionals and others to complete their degrees.

"Life will always happen," said Rivero-Mallo, who began working at a law firm after earning her associate’s degree and paralegal certification. "I always wanted to go back, but life got in the way. I had a family. It was expensive. What should have taken four years took me nearly 10. This is definitely a dream come true for me."

BGS graduate Elena Rivero-Mallo with her family after commencement: from left, daughter Khloe Mallo, Elena Rivero-Mallo, daughter Kayla Mallo, a junior at UM, and husband Sandry Mallo.
BGS graduate Elena Rivero-Mallo with her family after commencement: from left, daughter Khloe Mallo, Elena Rivero-Mallo, daughter Kayla Mallo, a junior at UM, and husband Sandry Mallo.

A first-generation college graduate in her family, Rivero-Mallo said her first supervisor at the University, Leslie Dellinger Aceituno, encouraged her to pursue her degree, especially since University employees are eligible for tuition remission.

"From the day I started, she’d say, ‘You can do it, just apply. It’s a great benefit. There is no reason not to do it.'"

Dellinger Aceituno, executive director for board procedure, said she comes from a long line of teachers, so education has always been important to her. She also earned her bachelor’s degree while working full time at the University. She then went on to earn her master’s degree.

"I’m a double alum now and I love paying it forward," she said. "It’s hard work balancing class, homework, and a full-time job, and Elena did it with grace, dedication and compassion. She is a true inspiration to all who know her. How does double alum sound, Elena?"

Rivero-Mallo said she is not certain what her next step will be, but she knows it will be at the University.

"The sky’s the limit," she said. "No door is closed to me now."

She said she is especially thrilled to have another Miami Hurricane in the family.

"One Cane in and one Cane out," she said, laughing. "I can’t tell you how proud of (Kayla) we are. That’s been the most fulfilling part of all of this. I can be a living, breathing example to my daughters."

The Bachelor of General Studies program will host a virtual open house on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 6:30 p.m. and every other Wednesday in February and March. Register online.
