Scholarship & Academic Collaboration with Bogotá Center of Arbitration and Conciliation Chamber of Commerce

Picture of law students

Left to Right: Camilo Narvaez, Jose Pisso, Yasmina Assis, Professor John Rooney, Alejandra Gomez (president of the Young Arbitration Network), Molly Garcia (Center of Arbitration and Conciliation), and Jose Cano.

On October 29, 2019, in Bogotá, Colombia, Miami Law and the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota Center of Arbitration and Conciliation formally announced an agreement to promote academic collaboration in the area of international arbitration in Colombia. Under the agreement of collaboration with the Chamber, Miami Law provides a scholarship of $15,000 USD toward the tuition fees to attend one of Miami Law’s LL.M. programs, including its top-ranked International Arbitration LL.M. This scholarship is available for up to four members of the Center of Arbitration and Conciliation.

The announcement was made during a joint event where Miami Law and the Center of Arbitration and Conciliation hosted a panel on “Career Paths in International Arbitration.” This scholarship constitutes yet another scholarship agreement with a top Colombian institution to bring Colombia’s best and brightest lawyers to study at the University of Miami School of Law.

Yasmina Assis, Associate Director of Miami Law’s International Graduate Law Programs, adds, “This agreement is an opportunity to build an academic relationship with the largest and most important arbitration center in Colombia and a worldwide reference. It will attract talented Colombian attorneys who practice in different areas of law, including dispute resolution, international and maritime law, among others.”

The audience was comprised of students, graduates, and lawyers under 35 years of age affiliated with law firms and members of the Youth Arbitration Network, which is part of the Center. During the event, the speakers discussed the many challenges facing young practitioners in the arbitration field. Felipe Gonzalez Arrieta, Associate Attorney at Suescun Law Firm, and Molly Garcia from the Center of Arbitration and Conciliation moderated the discussion.

John Rooney, Adjunct Professor at Miami Law’s J.D. and White & Case International Arbitration LL.M. Program, participated as a panelist and said, “Our trip to Colombia was both enjoyable and fruitful. The unveiling of the cooperation agreement between the law school and the arbitration center of the Bogota chamber was very successful, and generated strong interest in the law school and its masters programs."

Another panel participant included Irma Rivera Ramirez, partner at Brigard Urrutia and leader of the Litigation, Arbitration, and Insolvency team. Panelists provided practical insights to young practitioners planning to pursue a career in alternative dispute resolution.

Sandra Friedrich, Lecturer in Law and Director of Miami Law’s International Arbitration Institute and LL.M. Program, adds, “We are proud to be launching this academic and scholarship collaboration with the Center of Arbitration and Conciliation of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, one of the principal arbitral institutions in Latin America.

“We believe that this collaboration will greatly benefit our Miami Law community as well as members of the Center of Arbitration by offering joint educational events and by bringing talented professionals interested in specializing in international arbitration or other areas of law to Miami Law for their graduate studies.“

More on LL.M. Programs 
More on International Arbitration at Miami Law 
