NAHN Recognizes SONHS Faculty

Drs. Presti, González, and Ortega receive top awards from National Association of Hispanic Nurses in Miami
NAHN Recognizes SONHS Faculty

The Miami Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) marked a historic milestone as it celebrated its very first fundraising gala on Friday, October 13. The event brought together an enthusiastic gathering of health care professionals, administrators, and academic leaders from South Florida. Notably, the University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies (SONHS) made a significant presence at the gala, with several students and faculty members who are proud members of this prestigious organization. The highlight of the evening was the recognition of outstanding nursing leaders in the community who have made significant contributions to advancing the mission of NAHN Miami. Among the distinguished awardees, three esteemed faculty members from SONHS were honored.

  • Carmen Presti, serving as the NAHN Miami secretary, received the prestigious President's Award. This distinguished accolade is presented to an individual who has consistently worked towards assisting the president and the chapter in achieving its goals while exemplifying an unwavering commitment to the mission of NAHN Miami.

  • Juan M. González was bestowed with the NAHN Miami Clinical Nurse Leader Award. This esteemed award acknowledges Dr. Gonzalez's exceptional leadership and outstanding contributions as a nurse clinician, particularly in shaping the role and advancing the practice of nursing within the Hispanic community.

  • Johis Ortega was honored with The NAHN Miami Community Champion Award, a recognition that applauds outstanding contributions to improving the health of the Hispanic South Florida community. Dr. Ortega's dedication and service have made a significant impact on the well-being of the local Hispanic population.

SONHS has been a steadfast supporter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses for several years, continually fostering a platform that unites health care professionals and academic leaders. Together, they aim to share ideas, advocate for important causes, and increase awareness of the specific health care needs of the Hispanic community. This inaugural fundraising gala not only celebrated the achievements of these exceptional individuals but also showcased the unity and dedication of the NAHN and its members in working toward the betterment of health care within the Hispanic community.
