The University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies is proud to announce the Class of 2024 Doctor of Nursing Practice Poster Presentation took place Wednesday, December 11, the day before Commencement. All of the school’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) students must develop a scholarly project addressing practice improvement in an area health system and present their project findings to program faculty and health system administrators at the end of their program. The final outcomes posters from these students’ months-long inquiries offer an impressive overview of many positive possibilities for South Florida health systems as these promising new health leaders graduate. The event was held in the M. Christine Schwartz Center for Nursing and Health Studies and S.H.A.R.E. Simulation Hospital Advancing Research & Education®, 5030 Brunson Drive, on the Coral Gables campus. Graduating doctoral students were on hand to present and discuss the evidence-based scholarly initiatives they developed, and in some cases implemented, in conjunction with area hospitals. Here, in order of presentation location, are all 48 presenters, along with their poster titles and name of their partnering health system. Thanks go out to school faculty advisors and mentors, as well as clinical sites, preceptors, and community health partners for supporting our students’ achievements.
Schwartz Center Executive Boardroom
Sunitha Abraham: Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Compliance with Surgical Smoke Evacuation through Policy, Awareness, and Education in the Operating Room, Jackson Health System (JHS)
Brittany Berre: Jackson’s Healing Space: A Virtual Peer Support Program, JHS
Nicole Cesaire: Increasing Adherence of Human Trafficking Screening Algorithm in Pediatric Emergency Room at Holtz Children’s Hospital, Jackson Memorial Hospital (JMH)
Faria Duja: Educating Caregivers About Anaphylaxis, Pediatrics, UHealth - University of Miami Health System (UHealth)
Natalie Fray: Implementation of an ERAC (Enhanced Recovery After Cesarean) Protocol, JMH
Jean Kattiamine: Improving Operating Room Efficiency Through Implementation of a Preoperative Checklist, JMH
Georgiy Lyzhin: Enhancing Utilization of Quantitative Neuromuscular Blockade Monitoring in the Perioperative Setting, UHealth Tower
Jessica Morales: Nurturing New Nurses: Implementation of a Novice Nurse Mentorship Program, UHealth Tower
Celine Murton: Ultrasound-Guidance (USG) for Pediatric Difficult Intravenous Access (DIVA) Placement, Holtz Children’s Hospital, JMH
Miguel Pedrajo: Utilizing Point-of-Care Ultrasonography (POCUS) to Assess Proper ETT Placement in Low Flow State Scenarios, JHS
Paul Raymond-Gonzales: Heat Awareness – Building Community Heat Resilience in Hot Ambient Temperatures for Outdoor Worker, UHealth Tower
Kapildip Singh: Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) Protocol for intraoperative patients on Ozempic (GLP-1), JHS/ JMH
Tracee Smith: Closing the Influenza Immunization Gap for Children with Sickle Cell Disease Receiving Specialty Care at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, SCCC, UHealth
Jose Teopengo: Increasing Anesthesia Provider’s Recognition and Adherence to the Malignant Hyperthermia Protocol Using MHapp, West Kendall Baptist Hospital
Amber Thomassen: Survivorship Care Planning for Clinical Trial Participants, UHealth
Charles Thuo: Anesthesia Green- Waste Reduction: Eco-Friendly Arterial Line Placement, JMH
Kirsten Toft-Nielsen: Silence is Orange and Green: Recommendations for a “Silent” Paging System to Reduce Excess Hospital Noise from Overhead Paging, UHealth Tower
Schwartz Center Lobby
Moya Allen: Implementing a Diabetes Survival Skills Model, JHS/ Jackson North Medical Center
Derreck Bletsh: Standardized PACU Handoff Checklist/Report Sheet, North Shore Medical Center
Kristina Del Rey: Cognitive Aid Implementation During Perioperative Codes, West Kendall Baptist Hospital
Kal Elliott: Improving Patient Education Material to Align with Health Literacy Standards, JHS
Joselynn Lavilla: Implementation of Music Intervention to Decrease Pediatric Anxiety/Distress, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital (Nicklaus)
S.H.A.R.E. 1st Floor Lobby
Jessica Angulo Delgado: Pre-operative Warming for the Prevention of Unplanned Hypothermia Intraoperatively JHS/ Jackson West Medical Center
Kelsey Diaz: Implementation of a virtual peer support program to decrease burnout and increase resilience amongst nurses, JHS
Alyson Franqui: The Red Bag Project: Restructuring Operating Room Waste Segregation Practices, JHS/ JMH
Gabrielle Hooper: Green Anesthesia: Minimizing Anesthetic Gas Waste with Low Flow Technology, UHealth Tower
Alia Lescaille: Empowering Nurses for Heat Related Illness Education: A Patient Centered Approach, UHealth Tower
Emily McConnell: Implement recommendations on the use of Intra-Cuff Lidocaine as Endotracheal Tube Cuff Medium to decrease Post-Operative Emergence Phenomena, JHS/Jackson South Medical Center
Ossianny Mons-Fiallo: The FEBRILE Program: Evidence-Based Fever Education for Caregivers in the Pediatric Emergency Department, JHS
S.H.A.R.E. 2nd Floor Lobby
Stephanie Baigorri: Anesthesia Considerations for Patients Taking Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists (GLP-1RAs), Miami VA Medical Center
Heather Cazes: Pressure Injury Prevention Program in the PICU, Nicklaus
Christopher Colomo: Intrathecal Precedex as an Adjunct to Local Anesthetics in Spinal Anesthesia, JHS/ Jackson West Medical Center
Kersain Edmee: Asthma Management for Haitian Children: Customized Asthma Action Plan for Caregivers and Providers, Holtz Children’s Hospital/ JMH
Liyiam Garcia Paz: Implementation of First Laryngoscopy Attempt Screening and Protocol incorporating McGrath for Novice Providers, JHS/ Jackson South Medical Center
Joy Goodie: Implementation of a Caring Science Training and Mentoring Protocol, UHealth
Michael Lago: Intrathecal Dexmedetomidine Protocol for Neuraxial Anesthesia in Lower Extremity Orthopedic Surgery, North Shore Medical Center
Alex Manzano: UMentorship: A Pilot Novice Nurse Mentorship Program, UHealth Tower
Sharon Musikewa: Disaster Preparedness: Utilizing a Checklist for Anesthetic Management during a Massive Power Outage during Surgery, JHS/ Jackson West Medical Center
Lily Newbern: Hand Hygiene Campaign and Educational Protocol, Nicklaus
Lauren Norona: Streamlining the Peri-Operative Process, JHS/ Jackson West Medical Center
Kelly Patino: Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Screening Program for COPD and Liver Patients in the Preoperative Clinic, Miami VA Medical Center
Ivan Peralta: VAD Driveline Infection Prevention, JMH
Catherine Pohlman: Role Transition: Implementation of Online Leadership Handbook for New and Aspiring Nurse Leaders, JMH
Jennifer Robbins: Enhanced Communication Planning Program for the Palliative Care Patient, JMH
Christina Salazar: Tracheostomy Injury Prevention Program, UHealth Tower)
Stephan Taylor: A Quality Improvement Initiative to Reduce No-Show Rates for GI Motility
Procedures through Pre-Procedure Reminder Calls, UHealth
Danae Thomas: Improving the Use of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in Registered Nurses through Implementation of EBP Guidelines and Module, JHS
Nicole Urban: Improving Perioperative Anxiety and Pain in Pediatric Patients during Induction of Anesthesia with Virtual Reality, Nicklaus