Which Farmers Market Stand Are You?

Yes, you read that right–UM has a farmers market on campus! Learn more about it, and take a quiz to find out which stand you are!
Well 'Canes Farmers Market

If you told my high school self that in college I would look forward to Wednesdays, I probably wouldn’t believe you.

“Wednesday?” I would say. “As in, hump day? The day that’s so close yet so painfully far from the weekend?”

That was before I knew about the Well ’Canes Farmers Market, which takes place on the Foote Green every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Few sights on campus bring me more excitement than those rows of white tents being set up on Wednesday morning.

Some background: the Farmers Market has been around since 2010 and came into existence thanks to a Student Government initiative. A variety of cuisines, from Argentinean to Japanese to Greek, are represented in the lunch offerings, making it easy to find something new to try every week. Vegan or vegetarian? There are plenty of options for you from different vendors, like acai bowls or vegan/vegetarian-friendly bibimbap. Want to try coconut juice or kombucha? There are stands for you too!

Right around now, you’re probably wondering how, out of so many stands, are you supposed to make a choice every Wednesday? It’s hard, I know. With so many good options, picking one can feel like shutting the door on something that you might like better.  That’s why I’ve created a quiz to help you figure it out!

Whichever stand you are, check out Well ’Canes Farmers Market on Wednesdays! Who knows? You might catch Dale in the flesh!

