4 Ways to Make Friends

So, you’re in college. You’ve worried about what to pack, you’ve meticulously crafted a schedule that suits you, and you’ve gotten used to seeing “University of Miami” pop up in your email.

Now what?

It’s no secret. The big question on every first-year student’s mind is, “How am I going to make friends?” First, take a deep breath — you’re going to make friends. Second, follow the steps below. They worked for me!

1. Say hi.

This step seems obvious, I know, but it’s sometimes overlooked. Put yourself out there and take the first step. Not every connection will lead to lifelong friendships, but every connection will be valuable. Also, remember, everyone will be in the same boat when you first get to campus.

2. Meet your floor.

Get to know your new neighbors during ’Cane Kickoff Orientation and at your residential college floor meetings! Rose Satriale, a sophomore in the business school, loved ’Cane Kickoff: “Orientation helped me meet my floor, which made me a lot more comfortable. Just walk into your neighbor’s room. Everyone is so nice!” Everyone is eager to get to know the members of their new community, so knock on a couple of doors and ask to hang out!

3. Join an organization or club.

Whether you’re living on campus or commuting, there’s no better way to make friends than to immerse yourself in one of the hundreds of clubs at UM! Join clubs that interest you, and you will be surrounding yourself with people that have similar interests. So, join a club, and make it your extended family!

4. Join a club sport.

Were you an athlete in high school? Try out for one of UM’s club sports teams and get back at it with your new squad! Teammates turn into friends quickly, plus you’ll get to sport some fresh University of Miami gear. Sophomore Jeremy Lieberman, who joined the club baseball team, says, “It helped me not only expand my friend group, but I met my best friends on my team!”

Now, put this advice into practice when you get to campus. Our ’Canes community is thrilled to be welcoming you!

