Keeping Up With Dana Franco

A born leader, Dana took on important roles all over campus to improve life as a 'Cane.
Dana Franco

Dana graduated in May 2020 and she will be missed! She majored in marketing with a minor in public relations.

Q: How did you decide on your major?

I chose to be a marketing major because I wanted to study social media and how brands utilize it to connect with consumers.

Q:  How did you choose your minor?

I chose a public relations minor because I wanted to supplement my knowledge of marketing in a related field and gain additional skills like graphic design.

Q: What’s the coolest class you took at the U?

My favorite class was Women in Public Relations. This was taught by Professor Carr in the School of Communication, and each week we heard from a guest lecturer who is a successful woman working in PR in Miami. We were able to visit the Arsht Center, American Airlines Arena, Jungle Island, and more. 

Q: Do you have a favorite professor? Why?

I would say my favorite professors are all the professors in the marketing department! As the former President of the American Marketing Association, they were all extremely supportive of my initiatives and willing to help. I also have loved every class I have taken for my major.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about being a ’Cane?

I love how diverse UM is. In my four years here, I have learned so much from my peers and professors who all come from different backgrounds.

Q: What academic resource has been most useful to you?

I would say the Toppel Career Center. As a business student, I am always working to fine tune my resume and prepare for interviews.

Q: What surprised you most about UM?

The thing that surprised me the most is that UM is a lot smaller than its reputation suggests. I graduated high school with 40 students in my year and was nervous about coming to a school with 10,000 students, but now I see people on campus I know everyday. It truly makes the school feel like a community.

Q: What advice would you like to give high school seniors navigating the college application process?

My advice would be to do some research on what each college offers outside of the classroom! Some of the best experiences I have had throughout my time at UM have come from Greek life, student organizations, internships, and campus jobs. Make sure that whatever you choose has outlets for you to do what you are passionate about!
