Rise to the Top(pel)

Seven ways UMiami’s career center helps you secure your next step, because it’s never too early to seek out opportunities for professional development and career advice.
Toppel Career Center

The University of Miami’s Toppel Career Center is dedicated to helping you develop as a professional, become a confident interviewee, and help grow your network with potential employers. It’s important to always be ready should a potential opportunity arise. But whether you’re a current student or recent graduate, finding opportunities for professional development can leave you feeling like you need a helping hand.

Here are seven ways the Toppel Career Center can help you find and secure the next step on your career path.

1. Assess your career path

Discover your top career and degree matches based on your personality traits and interests. The Career Explorer test by Sokanu (So-Can-You) can be taken on your own or at Toppel. Afterward, you can meet with an advisor to go over your results and discuss degree options. It’s a great way to discover new careers that you may not have considered or reaffirm what your instincts are already telling you.

2. Connect with peers, mentors, and potential employers

Handshake is Toppel’s main platform to support you in your search for jobs and internships. There are thousands of postings from thousands of employers, including all Fortune 500 companies! Set up a profile to register for career events and connect with peers and potential employers. Looking for an alumni mentor who’s been in your shoes and can provide career advice? Log in to Cane2Cane.

3. Polish your resume

Even if your work experience is limited, Toppel can help you put together a resume that showcases your best skills and qualities. Same goes for other documents like CVs and grad school applications. With resources like quick how-to guides, industry-specific samples, and one-on-one advising, you will be ready to upload your resume to Handshake with confidence. For resume critiques and any other advising, you can stop by Toppel anytime Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., no appointment necessary.

4. Prepare for the interview

While the resume will get you in the door, it’s crucial that you prepare for any potential interviews to land the position. Big Interview is an online system that combines training and practice in a virtual space. Toppel also offers in-person practice interviews, guides to learn how to ask the right questions, and Employer Practice Interviews & Critiques (EPIC), where students are paired with a recruiter for a 30-minute resume critique or practice interview.

5. Toppel Internship Program and Fund

Found an internship but need academic credit for it? The Toppel Internship Program provides tangible compensation in the form of academic credit, whether the internship is paid or unpaid. You’ll work with advisors to map out goals, create communication channels, and facilitate reflection and evaluation at the conclusion of the internship. The Toppel Internship Fund is also available and can provide $500-$3,000 to undergraduate students who accept unpaid and paid internship opportunities.

6. Big city Career Crawls

Interested in Tesla, Microsoft, or Citrix? The Toppel Career Center frequently holds Career Crawls that bring you directly to high-profile employers in different cities. Forge connections and network with companies! See what it’s like to work and live in different cities! In person or virtual, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to find the perfect fit for your career.

7. Shadow someone in your field

Work alongside UM alumni and other employers to get a sense of what a typical workday is like in a career field of your interest. UShadow experiences are a way to get a sense of the field you are interested in, access the space and people who are involved in the work day-to-day, and make valuable networking contacts. The program is open to all sophomore and junior University of Miami students.


The Toppel Career Center serves all University of Miami students and alumni. The team there are your partners as you kick off your career and continue to grow.
