Featured Major: Industrial Engineering

This month's featured major comes from the College of Engineering. The College offers undergraduate BS degrees in Industrial Engineering, with concentrations in either Management, Manufacturing, or Pre-Med.
Students presenting their senior design projects at the College of Engineering Senior Design Expo.
Industrial Engineering students present at the 2022 Senior Design Expo.

Industrial and Systems Engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems comprised of people, processes, hardware and software. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results obtained from such systems.

Emma Malone, Class of 2023, Industrial Engineering major from West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Why did you choose this major? 

I am currently a Junior studying Industrial Engineering. I chose to study IE because I not only love math, but I have a passion for so many things. Since industrial engineering is broader than other majors, it allows me to understand the operations and gives me the opportunity to explore different industries.

Did you know that you wanted to study this before you got to UM? If not, how did you discover it?

I actually applied and got accepted into the Miami Herbert Business School, and then continued to research the Public Health and Nursing majors. I decided to switch into the College of Engineering in my first year, but started as a Biomedical Engineer. I, then, met with Dr. Miville to discuss Industrial Engineering and realized it was a perfect fit! 

What’s been your favorite class for this major?

This major offers so many different classes that I have loved. Unpopular opinion, but Physics will always be my favorite course! Specifically for Industrial Engineering, I have loved Deterministic of Operations because it really applies the engineering knowledge to real life examples. 

What about this major is exciting to you?

The most exciting thing about this major is the ability to have so many options in the career field. Whether it is consulting or project management, an Industrial Engineer has the ability to do almost anything! 

What are you planning to do once you have completed your studies?

After I complete my studies, I plan to work at a consulting firm in a city. I have enjoyed doing Undergraduate Research at UM that focused on data analytics, but I think using my degree in the Consulting or Technical Sales field is a better fit for my personality. 

Mahmoud Fahmy, class of 2021, BSIE/MSIE Dual Degree Program student from Miami, Florida.

Why did you choose this major?

I chose Industrial Engineering because I knew it was a degree that would build up my tool-box, so to speak. I knew I would gain exposure to lots of different areas like cost analysis, production, facility design, and more, which was appealing to me since I was not 100% set on a career path going into college.

Did you know that you wanted to study this before you got to UM? If not, how did you discover it?

I came out of high school knowing I liked optimization, problem-solving, and economics. I saw an opportunity to apply these interests by studying Industrial Engineering, which would still grant me the flexibility to work in different industries as my interests changed over time. I was lucky to have known about IE before I entered college, since I truly believe it is a major that can appeal to a lot of different people.

What was your favorite class for this major?

My favorite class that I took was probably Applied Data Analytics, because I loved being able to apply all the math and statistics courses I had taken to make better data-driven decisions. I believe this is the cornerstone of Industrial Engineering as a whole.

What about this major was exciting to you?

It can change the way you view all the systems and processes that you encounter in daily life. You might start to find yourself thinking about how any process can be improved, even the smallest or simplest ones.

Professor Nina Miville, 13 years at UM

What will I be learning with this major? 

In addition to science and math courses (33 credits), you will be learning the Engineering Design methodology along with a host of quantitative tools. The types of classes you will take are in Data Analytics, Project Management, Systems Simulation, Optimization tools (Operations Research), Quality Improvement, Work Design, Entrepreneurship, Engineering Management, Financial Analysis and Costing, Human Factors & Ergonomics.

What makes this major unique?

Industrial and Systems Engineering allows you to combine a love for science and math and work with people. It is at the crossroads between engineering and business. It provides students with a framework and a toolbox that they can go out and apply to any industry. It allows students to work in a variety of industries without constraints and lots of upward mobility. 

Fun fact: The majority of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are engineers, and a vast majority are Industrial Engineers. 

What are the key characteristics you look for in a student?

In addition to the obvious math and science skills, Industrial Engineering (IE) students are creative thinkers, and have strong listening, critical-thinking, problem-solving, speaking, and writing skills.  You could say that upon graduation you will be a “Jack of all Trades” or a “Renaissance Engineer” – someone who is ready to tackle any problem, job, and industry. We give you the tools to manage and lead projects in every field and aspect of the industry.

What kind of research/hands-on learning can you do with this major?

Our Faculty’s Research areas include:

  • Energy and Smart Grids
  • Resilience & Sustainability
  • Logistics & Supply Chains
  • Healthcare Management and Improvement
  • Data Analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Financial Engineering
  • Modeling & Optimization

What are the career opportunities for this major? 

Industrial and System Engineering jobs are expected to grow 8% over the next six years. You will be able to work anywhere ranging from service industries, factories, warehouses, laboratories, construction sites, and high-tech companies. 

Industrial Engineers split their time between an office and the site they are working with. It is the best of both worlds - the ability to apply very technical skills and work with people. Our graduates are currently working at several different companies and industries including: Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Norwegian Cruise Lines, FedEx, Citrix, Apple, Uber, American Express, Visa, Ford, Johnson & Johnson, Intel, Microsoft, Baptist and Mount Sinai Hospital, and Deloitte Consulting. The possibilities are endless. 

In addition to great job opportunities upon graduation, our undergraduate students do their internships in places such as Wall Street, financial services, healthcare, cruise lines, courier services, and high-tech firms.

What excites you as a teacher about this major? 

First and foremost, I consider myself an alumnus of the University of Miami and an Industrial Engineer, not a professor. I worked in the industry for over 20 years before I found my passion to come back to the University and teach college students. What excites me the most is working at my Alma Mater with young minds and helping them find their passion as an industrial engineer. I teach many courses but my ultimate goal is to send 'Canes out into the world as worldclass Industrial Engineers. 

Learn more about Industrial Engineering and other exciting opportunities at the College of Engineering
