Sitting Down with White & Case/Carolyn B. Lamm International Arbitration Scholar Kajsa Larsberger Holting

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Swedish student Kajsa Larsberger Holting came to the University of Miami School of Law because she wanted to learn more about international arbitration through an LL.M degree in International Arbitration.

For the past seven years Holting has been practicing law in Sweden as a Senior Associate at one of Sweden’s top commercial law firms, working in the dispute resolution group. She also has experience in commercial litigation in both court and arbitral proceedings.

Holting received her first Master of Laws Degree (LL.M.) with high honors from the faculty of Law at Stockholm University, one of the leading law schools in Sweden. She also speaks three languages: Swedish, English and French.

The decision to come to a different country with her husband and two children to pursue a second LL.M. was not an easy one, but Miami Law Professor Jan Paulsson played a big role.

“Jan Paulsson was a major figure in my decision to come to the University of Miami,” said Holting. “He is a big name in the field of international arbitration.”

Professor Paulsson is the Michael Klein Distinguished Scholar Chair and the White & Case International Arbitration Program Director at Miami Law. He has participated as counsel or arbitrator in over 700 arbitrations in Europe, Asia, the United States and Africa. He has also acted before a great variety of international tribunals, including the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Holting also talked about how significant the White & Case/Carolyn B. Lamm Scholarship was for her in making her decision to come to the University of Miami.

“I am very thankful for the opportunity that Carolyn Lamm gave me and I look forward to taking her class in Investment Arbitration in Spring.”

When Holting finishes at the University of Miami she hopes to continue her work in international arbitration.
