Colombia’s Best and Brightest Come to Miami Law via Partnerships with Top Law Schools

As part of Miami Law’s commitment to attracting the brightest legal minds abroad and strengthening bilateral cooperation in legal education, the School has partnered with some of the best law schools and associations in Colombia.
Picture of Colombian Flag

The agreements offer a $15,000 USD scholarship toward LL.M. tuition fees for all LL.M. programs that accept foreign-trained lawyers. Up to four outstanding law graduates from each school or four outstanding members of each organization are eligible. 

According to Miami Law’s LL.M./J.D. Academic Director Yasmina Assis, “These agreements are with the best law schools in Colombia and benefit our law school because they attract competitive Colombian attorneys to join our student body and to pursue one of our LL.M. programs.” 

Thus far four students have benefited from the agreements. One such student is Colombian attorney Iván Mauricio Guzmán Rojas who came to Miami Law in August 2017 to study in the Maritime Law LL.M. He was the first beneficiary of an agreement between Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali and Miami Law. Currently, Gilli Kahn, also a graduate of Javeriana Cali is currently attending the LL.M. with Intensive Legal English program.

Currently, Miami Law has agreements with a total of seven Colombian institutions including:

• Universidad del Rosario, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia

• Universidad ICESI, Cali, Colombia

• Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia

• Universidad de San Buenaventura, Cali, Colombia

• Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia

• Acofade Colombian Association of Law Schools

• Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

Assis feels the agreements not only benefit “recent graduates from Colombian law schools, but also practitioners from the best law firms in Colombia who have graduated from one of the law schools with whom we have an agreement.”

Other Colombian lawyers who have studied at Miami Law include Juana Garcia-Osorio of Universidad del Rosario Bogota who earned her LL.M. in Entertainment, Arts and Sports and Francisco Rodriguez of Universidad Externado de Colombia currently earning his LL.M. in U.S. and Transnational Law for Foreign-Trained Lawyers.

Assis sees a long-term benefit for both legal practice in Colombia and for ongoing cross-border relationships. “The attorneys who have the opportunity to come to UM will learn about the United States and become familiar with the American legal system. They will go back to work for the best law firms, corporations or the government in Colombia.”

For Information

Contact International Graduate Law Programs at

* Recipients are nominated by each of the foreign law schools or associations. Miami Law will evaluate and award applicants on the basis of their skills and achievements: Nominees must apply for admission to the LL.M. Program and follow all established application procedures and meet standard admissions requirements. Applications are considered on a rolling basis with a priority deadline of May 1 and are reviewed by the Admissions Committee as soon as all required documents are received.
