LL.M. Student Hails from Ethiopia, Awarded White & Case/Carolyn B. Lamm Scholarship

Picture of Mengesha Wossen

Mengesha Wossen

The White & Case/Carolyn B. Lamm Scholar was born and grew up in Woldia, in the Amhara Regional State. He attended one of his country’s most prestigious law schools, Haramaya University, where he focused on international and business law. 

“Studying law was my aspiration since 9th grade for reasons beyond my understanding,” Wossen says. “I feel law is my calling and it is a career I love most when I am in it.”

After graduation with an LL.B., Wossen spent a few years working for the biggest insurance company in Ethiopia but felt something was missing. In 2014, he went back to Haramaya as a lecturer, teaching investment law, international trade, insurance, banking, land, and secured transactions law. He also serves as editor on the local law review.

At the same time, Wossen was gaining his LL.M. degree at Haramaya University and a raised awareness of international arbitration.

“While studying international business, investment, and commercial law, I came to understand that international arbitration is growing to be independent and the most viable way of settling international business disputes,” he says, “so I had to look for universities that offer LL.M.s in international commercial arbitration.”

The dean of his law school, Dr. Richard Wentzell, suggested that Miami Law had a highly sought after program that would benefit Wossen.

“I am amazed by the distinguished professors in the field of arbitration, the classroom mock arbitration practices, the connections created with students to alumni and practitioners, and research opportunities available to students,” he says. “Miami Law is a wonderful academic institution where international law students gain an excellent theoretical knowledge and practical experience for their careers.”

Students are drawn to Miami Law’s White & Case LL.M. in International Arbitration not only because it is taught by the top arbitrators in the world and offers externships at the most prestigious law firms and arbitral institutions, but graduates of the program also land employment opportunities at the highest tiers of the field, says Sandra Friedrich, director of the program.

The White & Case International Arbitration LL.M. Program, under the leadership of Jan Paulsson, provides a unique individualized educational opportunity for a small group of top quality students from a range of countries, wishing to acquire an in-depth grounding in the field of international arbitration as a platform for a successful career. The program - the only one of its kind in the United States - is open to U.S. and foreign-trained law graduates, and is ideal for newcomers to the field or experienced practitioners looking to enrich their skills and knowledge.

“Upon completing my LL.M. at Miami Law, I have a plan to work as in different arbitrations institutions to further build my competence,” Wossen says. “After that, I will go back to my home country and resume my professorship. In addition, I am eager to contribute my part to my country in relation to business, trade, and investment policies, law, and dispute settlement mechanisms.”

More on the White & Case LL.M. in International Arbitration
