Professor Andres Sawicki Teaches Course on IP Law & Presents “The Law of Creativity?” at Argentina Supreme Court

Professor Andres Sawicki
Professor Andres Sawicki

Professor Andres Sawicki taught a course on U.S. IP law at the Universidad de San Andres in Buenos Aires as part of their Masters in Innovation & IP. The degree is part of WIPO’s University Partnerships Program to improve access to IP education in developing countries, least developed countries, and countries with economies in transition. He also presented his work in progress, “The Law of Creativity?,” at the Supreme Court of Argentina. The Court has hosted American legal scholars at the invitation of Carlos Rosenkrantz, who holds a position similar to that of Chief Justice. Prior speakers include Cass Sunstein, Ricky Revesz, and Jeremy Waldron. Sawicki's short response article, “A View of Copyright from the Digital Ground,” was published in the Florida Law Review Forum. It identifies the most important contributions in Cathay Smith’s Beware the Slender Man: Intellectual Property and Internet Folklore. Professor Sawicki researches and teaches in the area of intellectual property. His primary research projects explore the extent to which IP can help solve problems in the production of inventions and expressive works. He is particularly interested in the complex psychology of creativity, and in the difficulty of coordinating multiple creative collaborators. Professor Sawicki’s research also examines the interaction among distinct patent doctrines. His work has been published by leading journals, including Cornell Law Review, William & Mary Law Review, and The University of Chicago Law Review, among others.
