Top 20 in Trial Advocacy, Moot Court Team Ranks #17 in 2021-22

Members of 2021-2022 Moot Court Team

2021-2022 Charles C. Papy, Jr. Moot Court Board

Miami Law’s moot court team – the Charles C. Papy Jr. Moot Court Board - continues its upward trajectory of success. It has jumped 13 spots since 2019 to become one of the top teams among all U.S. law schools. This academic year it is ranked 17th by Blakely Advocacy Institute at the University of Houston Law Center which compiles the rankings. Last year, the team finished 21st in the nation. 

Miami Law's International Moot Court program contributed to this year’s success in the national ranking as team members participated in competitions as well.

Ranked Higher than Other Top Programs

The moot court team ranker higher than other peer schools including Washington University (22), Wake Forest (37), University of Texas (49), University of Florida (54), George Washington (27), Fordham (20), Florida State (21), FIU (54), Emory (52), and Boston University (54), and came in just behind University of Virginia (16).

“I wanted to express how proud and honored I feel to have served as president of the Charles C. Papy Jr., Moot Court Board this year,” said recent graduate Taylor Alicia Hill, who was president of the board this past academic year. “Getting to lead this team, as well as serving Miami Law in the process, has been the highlight of my law school experience.”

Hard Work at Many Competitions

The Papy Moot Court Board’s ranking came from hard work at multiple competitions during the 2021-22 academic year. In addition, the International Moot Court team’s notable participation in the IBA ICC Moot Court Competition and Stetson International Environmental Law Competition added to the high national ranking.

“These excellent results are the fruits of the hard work and dedication from all of our members,” said Farah Barquero, director of moot court programs.

Highlights of the exceptional achievements include:

E. Earle Zehmer National Moot Court Competition: 3Ls Sam Sachs and Amanda Lopez-Cardet advanced to the quarterfinals and received the competition’s Best Brief Award.

Emory Civil Rights and Liberties Moot Court Competition: 3Ls Harrell Watts and Alex Picard advanced to the semi-finals and received the competition’s Best Brief Award.

Herbert Wechsler National Moot Court Competition: 2Ls Savannah Valentine and Evan Gilbert were second place overall, received Second Best Brief, and Valentine received Runner-Up Best Oralist.

Duberstein Moot Court Competition: Team 1 comprised of 3Ls Kevin Stone and Logan Sandler and 2L Jacky Sanchez, and Team 2 comprised of 2Ls Miguel Rivero, Payton Skeens, and Jessica Nuñez-Muñoz, both advanced to the Top 16 and Nuñez-Muñoz received the Second Best Oralist Award.

Evans Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition: 3L Anoosheh Shaikh and 2L Jacob Niergarth secured the Best Oralist Award for Niergarth.

Seigenthaler-Sutherland Cup National First Amendment Competition2L Lauren O’Neil and 3L Jose Lopez-Varela received the Best Brief Award and O’Neil received Runner-Up Best Oralist

National Appellate Advocacy Competition: Team 1 comprised of 3Ls Taylor Alicia Hill and Lauren Palen advanced to the Top 16 and received a Top 5 Brief Award. Team 2 comprised of 2Ls Bailey Beauchamp and Bailey Pasho-Towns secured a Runner-Up Best Oralist Award for Bailey Pasho-Towns.

Team Members Chosen in Fall at Gaubatz Competition

The Charles C. Papy Jr. Moot Court Board is Miami Law’s oldest and largest advocacy program and hosts the Gaubatz Competition every fall semester to determine the incoming class of board members. It is clear from the successes that this year had a particularly strong membership.

Reflecting on the year, Hill said, “In my short year as president, I was privileged to witness firsthand the overwhelming support that Miami Law faculty and alumni provide in our endeavors.”

The success will continue as the Papy Moot Court Board has been invited to participate in the 2023 Hunton Andrews Kurth Moot Court National Championship – the first invite since 2015.

The team has accepted the invitation and looks forward to 2022-23.

More on trial advocacy at Miami Law 
