UM Spotlights Four from Miami Law in UM’s 30 Under 30 Feature

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Sara Klock, Alessandria San Roman, Haley Moss & Adriana Baez

The University of Miami Alumni Association honors 30 outstanding young alumni for making impressive strides in their professions and their communities. Four outstanding candidates are from the Miami Law community.

Last fall, the University of Miami Alumni Association announced an open call for its 30 Under 30 list. To be considered, candidates had to receive either an undergraduate or a graduate degree from the University of Miami and be under the age of 30 as of May 31, 2022. The Young Alumni Leadership Council review committee selected 30 finalists, based on the impact made on their profession, community, and the University of Miami.

In the spirit of Ever Brighter: The Campaign for Our Next Century, we asked the honorees about their brightest moment(s) at the U.

Adriana Baez, B.S. ’19, medical and law student University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and School of Law

In my seven years at the U thus far, I have shared in many bright moments. From making friends at late-night dining during freshman year, leading my sorority and other Greek life members to a first-place win at O-Cheer during Greek Week, presenting my first poster at the Eastern-Atlantic Student Research Forum, beating FSU on my birthday, and winning Sportsfest with the UV, to crossing the Watsco Center stage — crying — at graduation, my undergraduate years at the U provided many unforgettable memories. As a graduate M.D./J.D. student, there has been nothing more fulfilling than providing hands-on care to and uplifting individuals in the Miami-Dade community. In my final three years at the U, I can only hope that I continue to create many more beautiful, bright moments.

At the U, I learned what it meant to be part of a broader community. Coming from the ballet world, a very tight-knit community dominated by racial and cultural majorities, learning from students and professors from multicultural and international backgrounds fostered a deeper understanding of the world around me. Through new relationships and opportunities from the University, I became part of larger initiatives like Guardian ad Litem, which connected me with families and allowed me to better see areas in which we can all do better. The U’s value of diversity, philanthropy, and community afforded me, and continues to afford students, an understanding of our roles in a larger society and an excitement for what we can achieve collectively.

’Canes Care for ’Canes, inherently, is not restricted to only actions on one of the U’s campuses; it is a value that blends into all aspects of our lives. In this way, carrying mutual respect, understanding, advocacy, and empowerment into each of my personal and professional roles is extremely important to me. As a medical student, I strive to understand and empower my patients, while simultaneously fostering a healthy educational environment for my colleagues.

As a law student, I challenge the innate individualism that often accompanies law school. I have provided insights on the dual degree program to multiple aspirational students who have contacted me. As the first female M.D./J.D. at the University of Miami, it is important to me to promote their path in order to share this space with other talented women. I even validate and challenge my six-year-old ballet students to vocalize their questions and thoughts, with the hope of nurturing confidence and tolerance. As ’Canes, we care for one another, and once a ’Cane, always a ’Cane.

Alessandria San Roman, B.A. ’15, J.D. ’18, associate attorney, Holland & Knight

My brightest moments at the U started with my admission to the University. While it’s hard to pin down just one, I am particularly honored to have been able to serve as the first UM SG President, UM Law SBA President, and Student trustee in school history. Those moments (both rewarding and challenging) shaped me to be who I am today.

I learned the true meaning of diversity, whether it is in thought, socioeconomic or ethnic background, gender, etc. The University is a melting pot that brings together individuals, each with their own unique story, to build a strong community.

I am a firm believer in paying it forward. The U provided me countless opportunities that have led me to where I am today. I stay involved, whether it’s serving on University leadership boards, mentoring students, or helping alumni to find job opportunities. Our work in helping each other does not stop during our time at the U. It is vital that we continue to support each other in the community in order to make our mark.

Haley Moss, J.D. ’18, owner, Haley Moss LLC Owner, Haley Moss LLC

Being selected as our law school’s student commencement speaker and having the chance to make memories with the J.D. Class of 2018 was my brightest moment at the U.

The U taught me so much about who I was, and the true meaning of “home.” Home is not a place; it’s a feeling created by people who have cared about you for most of your life, whether it’s your family or the team at the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities. It’s a warm hug on a bad day or saying “hello” to the faculty and staff who are cheering you on actively or from the sidelines. It’s the friendships you make on campus and in the community when you share an enthusiastic “go ’Canes!” with a stranger in a new city. Although I did not attend the U as an undergrad, when I got to campus for law school, I knew I was home.

I have continued to serve on the constituency board of UM-NSU CARD, staying involved with my ’Canes family, and ensuring that the next generation of autistic and neurodivergent students, their families, alums, and community members continue to have access to services and support. I also want to continue mentoring others with disabilities. ’Canes are some of the most caring, kind humans I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. When one of us moves up, we all move up. I want to help preserve the legacy so that I’m not the first nor the last. I want others to feel supported if they have a disability or are dealing with something that perhaps we don’t know about. 29 I am in the legal profession, which carries a lot of stigma around mental health and disability. For me, ’Canes have been instrumental in breaking barriers and opening up those conversations, and I’m grateful for my part in that.

Sara M. Klock, J.D. ’17, associate, Holland & Knight

My brightest moment at the U was [working on] the University of Miami Law Review. UMLR was filled with brilliant minds and amazing mentors from prior and subsequent years, many of whom I am fortunate to now work with at Holland & Knight. We bonded over many long nights of blue booking, studying, and job searching. The Miami Law community is incredible, and my best friends are from law school.

At the U, I participated in LawWithoutWalls, a program founded by Professor Michele DeStefano. Through this program, I was able to learn, via a cross-cultural, multi-disciplinary exchange, how to propose a "project of worth." The U allowed me to immerse myself in innovation, all while working on a team made up of students from around the world.

I work at an Am Law 100 law firm, Holland & Knight, and I think it is one of the best places to work. Culture and mentorship are incredibly important to me, and I try to foster a community where my peers feel respected and appreciated.