Professor Bernard Perlmutter Serves as Research Fellow at European University Viadrina in Germany

On sabbatical this semester Professor Bernard Perlmutter recently lectured German and Polish students about comparisons between the U.S. and Germany in the treatment of immigrant families.
Professor Bernard Perlmutter Serves as Research Fellow at European University Viadrina in Germany
Bernard Perlmutter

Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Children & Youth Law Clinic, Bernard Perlmutter is currently serving this semester as a research fellow at European University Viadrina, an hour east of Berlin on the German-Polish border.  He recently delivered a lecture to German and Polish students on the Polish campus of the university, and by zoom to several dozen legal scholars from other countries as part of the university’s Ius Privatum lecture series. He was introduced by his sabbatical host, Dr. Arkadiusz Wudarski, a Polish-German legal scholar. The lecture, “’Migrant Parents’ Rights of Access to Family Court Child Custody Proceedings:  A Comparative Family Law Study” discussed comparisons between the U.S. and German treatment of immigrant families in child custody cases, which is the subject of his sabbatical research project. 

 “I have to say that the best part was the interaction with the smart, multilingual and cosmopolitan law students, who asked me great questions,” wrote Perlmutter from Germany.

Perlmutter helped establish the Children & Youth Law Clinic at Miami Law in 1996. He teaches Family Law, Transnational Family Law, Children and the Law, and New Directions in Lawyering:  Interviewing, Counseling, and Attorney-Client Relational Skills.  He teaches and supervises second- and third-year law students who handle cases involving abused, abandoned, and neglected children and adolescents in dependency, foster care, adoption, public benefits, health care, mental health, disability, education, and immigration matters, in addition to appellate, legislative, and administrative advocacy, and law reform litigation.
