Miami Law Professors Engage at Academic Forum in Colombia

The Seminario en Latinoamérica de Teoría Constitucional y Política (Seminar on Latin American Constitutional and Political Theory) is an annual academic gathering which brings scholars together from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain to discuss complex theoretical issues of law, society, and policy of significance to the Americas.
Miami Law Professors Engage at Academic Forum in Colombia
Miami Law professors attend a conference in Bogota, Colombia.

Miami Law professors organized and participated in the annual academic conference conducted by SELA. The meeting for 2023 was held in Bogota, Colombia, in June, with over 100 participants from Latin America, Brazil, the Caribbean, and Spain. 

The Miami delegation of Elizabeth M. IglesiasMadeleine M. PlasenciaIlleana M. PorrasPablo Rueda Saiz, and Irwin P. Stotzky were active participants. The conference created incredible opportunities for cross-border exchanges on various topics, ranging from transitional justice to property regimes, constitutional legitimacy, history, and more. Rueda Saiz moderated a panel on transitional justice. 

“Our participation in SELA is an important step for the law school’s scholarly integration into the important movements in law and society confronting democratic societies,” said Stotzky.

Initially founded by students and faculty of Yale Law School, the University of Miami School of Law became a member and co-director of SELA in 2021.

As part of its commitment to international law, Miami Law joined as an equal partner to direct, organize, and participate in SELA, founded over two decades ago and dedicated to promoting and fostering legal scholarship in the Americas.

"Our participation in SELA enriches our existing international graduate programs, and allows our community to participate and collaborate in the production of the highest levels of legal scholarship in the Americas," says Caroline Bradley, associate dean of international and graduate law programs. 

Through SELA, scholars from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, Spain, and the United States present papers on themes determined by the faculty directors and representatives from partnering universities and analyzed in panel discussions. The articles are written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese and published in a standalone book following the talks.

The seminar provides leading researchers from across the Americas opportunities to learn from and collaborate with other experts who share their commitment to democratic principles and values.

The School of Law and the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law joined as equal partners with Yale Law School in the direction and management of SELA, becoming only the second and third law U.S. law school to join the consortium.

Miami Law's role includes helping to organize the substance of the annual conference and the consortium's other events and initiatives.

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