Professor Kunal Parker Presents at International Conference

The conference, held in Oslo, Norway, focused on medieval legislation and modernity after 1850.
Professor Kunal Parker Presents at International Conference
Professor Kunal Parker

In June 2023, Professor Kunal Parker, Dean's Distinguished Scholar and Associate Dean for Intellectual Life, presented "Common Law Thought in Mid-Twentieth Century America" at an international conference on Medieval Legislation and Modernity after 1850. The Center for Advanced Study of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and the Research Group for Law, Society, and Historical Change of the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo sponsored the conference. Presenters came from Norway, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, France, Spain, Great Britain, Argentina, and the United States. 

Additionally, Parker was recently named Miami Law's Associate Dean for Intellectual Life. He takes over for Professor Charlton Copeland. According to Parker, his short-term goals for this academic year are to create a more streamlined intellectual environment and help faculty "be as good as they can in the scholarly, intellectual side of things and publicize their work." He will continue the small faculty grants started by Copeland and the faculty speaker series, as well as participate in the production of The Explainer podcast

Parker's teaching areas and interests include American Legal History, Estates and Trusts, Immigration and Nationality Law, and Property.
