Miami Law Comes in 2nd at the 10th Annual Tulane Professional Football Negotiation Competition

The competition provides students with the opportunity to sharpen their negotiation skills as well as their knowledge of actual NFL contracts.
Miami Law Comes in 2nd at the 10th Annual Tulane Professional Football Negotiation Competition
Miami Law students John Glaser and CJ Olson

Three Miami Law Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law JD/LL.M. Program students made their mark in sports negotiation. John Glaser, CJ Olson, and Colsen Centner placed second among 48 teams at the 10th annual Tulane Professional Football Negotiation Competition. Over two days, the trio went through six rounds, representing the player and the team three times each. Their outstanding performance is a testament to their negotiation skills and hard work.

“We were very proud to be able to represent the University of Miami School of Law, and more specifically the ESLS program, on a national level at the Tulane Professional Football Negotiation Competition,” said Centner. “John and I were fortunate to have competed in the Tulane competition last year as well, so we were confident that our experience would lead to a strong result in the 2024 competition.”

The Professional Football Negotiation Competition, run by the Tulane Sports Law Society, is a simulated contract negotiation using real-life scenarios and actual upcoming NFL free agents. To simulate a real negotiation, the participants received a set of confidential objectives that served as guidelines. Participants represented the football club or the free agent. Experts in the industry served as judges for each negotiation. 

“I think a lot of what differentiated us, especially as the competition wore on, is the level of trust we had in each other regarding negotiating ability and the quality of research each person did,” said Colson. “It was pretty clear the best way to research was by splitting it up evenly between the team, but the key was to maintain the complete faith we had in each other as we got some momentum building after each subsequent negotiation.” 

After the first round of negotiations, the team advanced to the quarterfinals as the overall number-one seed in the knockout rounds. They worked throughout the night Friday to prepare for the final rounds and ultimately made it to the finals against the University of Houston.

“While no one ever dreams of coming in second place, we’re incredibly proud of our accomplishments and hope that we provided the road map for future competitors from the University of Miami School of Law to bring home the first-place trophy,” said Centner.

Read more about Miami Law’s Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law Program.



