Miami Law Students Network with Alumni from Various Legal Fields

Evening with Esquires is a networking event that allows students to meet and speak one-on-one with attorneys and judges from the local Miami community.
Miami Law Students Network with Alumni from Various Legal Fields
Miami Law students with alumni at the Evening with Esquires event.

Earlier this month, Miami Law's Office of Career and Professional Development and Student Bar Association hosted their eighth annual Evening with Esquires. 

The event brought together 150 law students—from 1Ls to LL.M. candidates—and 50 Miami Law alumni who currently practice in a diverse range of legal fields in South Florida. Evening with Esquires, an event that is part of Miami Law's UNetworking initiative, provides law students and alumni the chance to enjoy dinner, network, and reconnect with former classmates, friends, and colleagues. 

Evening with Esquires has become popular among both students and alumni. This year, registration for the event filled up within the first eight minutes of opening. "Take that, Taylor Swift!" Amy Perez, assistant dean of career and professional development, quipped during her opening remarks.

At the event, Stephanie Carman, J.D. '01, shareholder at GrayRobinson and president of the Law Alumni Association, thanked all who came to the event and reminded students to make the most of the opportunity. "Ask the questions you're too nervous to ask your professors, the questions you're too nervous to ask on interviews and should not be asking on interviews, and ask what you should be asking on interviews," Carman said. "You guys are coming into a great profession, and these are the leaders in that profession."

Jaret Davis, J.D. '99, senior vice president and co-managing shareholder of Greenberg Traurig, attended Evening with Esquires with the hopes that the students would walk away with a practical perspective about their fields of interest, as well as connections that will eventually lead to jobs. Davis, who received both his B.A. and J.D. from the University of Miami, said he sees the alumni network as a family who is always eager and willing to advise the next generation of Miami Law students.

For Danny Cross, a 2L, Miami Law's alumni network was one of the appeals of attending Miami Law. "As students," he said, "we benefit immeasurably from having a space to have quality conversations with the attorneys and get advice on securing a job, surviving law school, and navigating the legal field after graduating."

Discussing the event's success, Perez said Miami Law was grateful and lucky that their alumni feel such a strong commitment to supporting current students' career and professional development.

Miami Law has one of the strongest bases of over 22,000 alumni, representing Miami Law in all 50 states, several territories, and 85 countries worldwide. Alumni in private firms, the judiciary, government service, and nontraditional legal careers regularly visit campus to talk with students about their specific fields of practice, answer students' questions, and conduct mock interviews. They also host networking meetings with students and provide students with employment opportunities.

The Office of Career and Professional Development assists Miami Law students and alumni with job searches, professional development, and careers, offering individual counseling, resources, and programming, such as Evening with Esquires. Comprised of a team of advisers, all of whom have law degrees, practical legal law experience, and an excellent support staff, the office works to help each student achieve their career goals.

Read more about Miami Law's networking initiatives.

