HOPE Students Spend Break Doing Good

The HOPE Public Interest Resource Center plans and coordinates opportunities for Miami Law students to volunteer during fall, winter, and spring breaks and throughout the academic year.
HOPE Students Spend Break Doing Good

Edwin Ham, Amanda Ramirez Barranco, Fernando Wytrykusz, J.D. '12, Riddhi Varunkumar Bharwad, and Katie Barker at Catholic Legal Services in Miami.

Miami Law students enjoy a monthlong winter break, providing plenty of time for rest, recovery from a busy semester, quality time with friends and family, and the opportunity to enhance social justice and public interest legal skills through pro bono work. 

This winter break, Miami Law students at the HOPE Public Interest Resource Center continued the tradition and volunteered with legal service agencies both in and outside Miami. Students were excited to be able to spend time over the break volunteering in person at Catholic Legal Services in downtown Miami and engaging in remote opportunities with organizations such as the Colorado Office of the Child Representative, the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, and the Prisoner’s Legal Advocacy Network. 

Facilitated by the center, these legal advocacy pro bono alternative breaks provide students with diverse experiences to develop practical skills, build authentic networks, and make meaningful contributions to communities in need.

1L Stephanie Alvarez volunteered with the Colorado Office of the Child Representative, an independent state agency that ensures effective representation for vulnerable children and youth in Colorado.

“As a winter break pro bono volunteer, I was able to see the consequences of good lawyers at work. I improved my interpersonal, communication, and listening skills through conversations with clients that will undoubtedly ease my experience with employers, clients, and others when in the field," she said. "Not only was this a great opportunity to learn more about a passion area of mine, but it was truly a rewarding and refreshing experience that I would recommend to all who are interested!” 

The nonprofit legal services agencies also appreciated having extra hands to assist with their demanding workloads.

“Working with Miami Law students has been a great experience and opportunity to connect with students outside of our state," Ashley Chase, the staff attorney and legislative liaison with the Colorado Office of the Child’s Representative and supervisor for the student pro bono volunteers. "The program is run very well, and the students do a great job of helping our agency bridge the time between fall and spring internships. This sets us up for success going into our spring internship program and our attorney oversight activities.”

1L Katie Barker volunteered with Catholic Legal Services, one of the largest immigration advocacy nonprofits in Miami. “This experience has been one of the highlights of my law school experience thus far and has afforded me invaluable hands-on experience pertaining to immigration advocacy," she said. Barker, who worked alongside three LL.M. students during the last week of the winter break, had the opportunity to write a brief for the Board of Immigration Appeals and attend court at the Krome Detention Center.

LL.M. student Amanda Ramirez Barranco echoed similar sentiments. “The experience with Catholic Legal Services was a great opportunity to get to know the immigration system and a nonprofit from the inside," she said. "Volunteering at CLS is definitely a unique opportunity to apply and expand any previous knowledge of the immigration field with the additional gratification of working to improve the lives of many.” 

If interested in learning more about these or other upcoming opportunities, email umhope@law.miami.edu

Read more about the HOPE Public Interest Resource Center. 
