Interview with Alessandria San Roman, J.D. ‘18

Miami Law alumna Alessandria San Roman is a real estate attorney in Holland & Knight's Miami office, where she focuses her practice in the areas of land use, zoning, and environmental law.
Interview with Alessandria San Roman, J.D. ‘18
Alessandria San Roman, J.D. '18 

Alessandria San Roman was born and raised in Miami, FL. She has always known she wanted to be a lawyer and always enjoyed reading and writing. Miami Law was home to her as a UM undergraduate student, and she wanted the opportunity to stay in the community and continue to be involved.

As a student, San Roman was a member of the Business Law Review, which allowed her to publish an article. She was also president of the Student Bar Association and the Student Trustee to the Board of Trustees. She was also involved in Miami Law Women and the Hispanic Law Student Association.

San Roman loves that Miami Law creates a unique culture of diversity and belonging. Miami Law has professors and alumni who mentor students and make a difference. After law school, San Roman took the bar and started working with Holland & Knight in their Real Estate Department. She primarily works on land use and zoning and occasionally environmental work. She appreciates the continued education she receives from Miami Law’s seminars and opportunities for development in real estate law.

San Roman is the vice chair of engagement for the Young Alumni Committee. Their goal is to get recent graduates to participate in the alumni community and give back to the university. She explained that the committee is a great way to stay involved with other alumni and the community.

Outside of her career as a lawyer, San Roman loves to dance and is an avid shell collector. She urges alumni to stay involved and connect with alumni in their area, as this network is a support system in good times and in bad.
