How an M.L.S. Can Help in Understanding AI Laws and Regulations

While it is certainly true that responsible use of AI can revolutionize the way we work, there are some inherent concerns and questions to address.
How an M.L.S. Can Help in Understanding AI Laws and Regulations

It is beginning to seem inevitable that artificial intelligence (AI) technology will soon be ever-present throughout every imaginable industry. Perhaps this is why we are also seeing a push for more artificial intelligence laws and regulations across the board.

No matter what industry you find yourself in, being well-versed in the legal regulation of artificial intelligence as it relates specifically to your field can pay off. With a solid understanding of how AI laws and regulations are impacting your industry, you can quickly become an authority on the matter while helping your business adapt to regulatory changes as they occur.

The Importance of AI Laws and Regulations

Across the globe, AI laws and regulations are essential to protecting individual consumers and companies alike—especially as the scope of AI use continues to grow and change.

Key Challenges in AI Governance

Of course, regulating a relatively new innovation like artificial intelligence comes with its own challenges. There are numerous obstacles facing AI governance and regulation, including the incredibly rapid pace of AI technology development. Given how quickly this technology is evolving and advancing, regulators are having a hard time crafting legislation readily enough to keep up.

Because of this, many industries are experiencing a higher demand for professionals who have a solid understanding of current industry AI regulations, how they work, and how to advocate for human rights and data privacy in future AI regulations. All of this is covered in the framework of the right Master of Legal Studies (M.L.S.) program.

Five Ways an M.L.S. Prepares You for AI Regulations and Laws

Still wondering whether a Master of Legal Studies degree program is right for you? If you wish to get involved in AI regulation and legislation within your field, there are various ways in which an M.L.S. program can prepare you for this type of work.

Understanding the Implications of AI on Ethics and Human Rights

One of the most widely held concerns about AI technology is the potential ethics and human rights issues it brings forth. Creating AI technology that is free from biases or other potential human rights violations is no easy feat, and businesses can be held accountable.

With a better understanding of AI's potential implications for ethics and human rights, professionals across industries can contribute to crafting AI legislation that protects individuals and addresses common ethical concerns.

Familiarizing with Current and Upcoming AI Laws and Regulations

AI laws and regulations are likely to change over time as the technology itself grows and advances, which is already occurring at a rapid pace. Being involved in the legal regulation of artificial intelligence in any industry will require an in-depth understanding of not just current laws and regulations but also upcoming regulations and changes.

With this level of foundational knowledge provided in an M.L.S. program, students will have the understanding they need to prepare for future changes.

Developing Strategies for Compliance and Risk Management in AI Applications

Depending on the industry in which you work, there is a good chance you have specific regulatory and compliance standards to follow when AI applications are integrated. Likewise, following proper compliance and risk management practices is a must before implementing any type of new AI technology into your line of work.

With the knowledge and experience offered in an M.L.S. program, you can build upon your strategies for compliance and risk management, specifically as they relate to AI applications. From there, you will be better prepared to lead your business into the future without having to worry about compliance issues and their potential consequences.

Compliance with Data Privacy Laws and Regulations

Data privacy is a very real concern as AI technology continues expanding. With more data being collected and used than ever before, there is going to be an increased demand for privacy laws and other regulations to protect sensitive data and other consumer information.

In an M.L.S. degree program, you'll learn about the compliance and data privacy laws related to your industry as well as how they apply to specific laws and regulations surrounding artificial intelligence so you can remain in compliance and keep sensitive information secure.

Understanding the Ethical Implications of AI Technology

Across all industries, there are also ethical concerns when it comes to the use of AI technology. From worries about automation bias and decision-making bias to potential issues of misuse and lack of informed consent, professionals need to understand the ethical implications this technology could bring to light.

These topics and more are covered in-depth as part of an M.L.S. program, so you can prepare to avoid common ethical issues in your company's implementation of AI technology and move forward with confidence.

Impact of AI Laws on Various Industries

Artificial intelligence has already begun to play a central part in a variety of industries, including healthcare, financial services, construction, real estate, and many more. This trend is not expected to slow down anytime soon as more industries begin to adopt AI technology.

With all this in mind, it has never been more important for industry professionals to understand AI laws and regulations, particularly as they relate to their respective fields.

Healthcare and AI: Privacy, Ethics, and Compliance

Today, healthcare facilities (including hospitals and smaller practices) are relying on AI for everything from diagnosing diseases to formulating treatment plans and providing telehealth services. As this technology continues to evolve, so will the need for more laws and regulations as they relate to patient data privacy, ethics, and regulatory compliance (especially with HIPAA laws).

As a result, healthcare professionals will be tasked with expanding their own knowledge of emergent laws and regulations that could affect their industry, patients, and practice.

AI in Financial Services: Fraud Prevention and Compliance

Banking and financial services have also begun incorporating more AI technology, particularly when it comes to handling tasks such as data analytics, predictions and forecasting, calculations, and even customer service.

As this industry sees a rise in AI use, concerns may arise over fraud prevention, data privacy, and regulatory compliance. If you are working in the financial services industry, understanding these issues and the regulations surrounding them can help you advance your career and better perform your job.

AI Applications in the Construction Industry

Construction is yet another industry experiencing an increase in the use of AI. There are numerous ways in which AI can benefit the construction industry—offering additional machine learning power, AI-piloted drones, and other solutions that can streamline operations by automating tedious manual tasks.

At the same time, these innovations come with inherent concerns about aspects like construction worker safety and compliance and regulatory standards (including OSHA laws). With the in-depth industry knowledge an M.L.S. program offers, construction industry workers can gain a better understanding of these issues in order to respond and prepare appropriately.

The Intersection of AI Technology and Legal Frameworks 

AI technology does not exist in a bubble; the work that it carries out has critical impacts on every industry it touches, which is why there must be an interaction between AI technology and legal frameworks.

Importance of Legal Frameworks in Addressing AI Ethics

As the adoption of AI technology grows, so does the need for reliable legal frameworks that can be used to draft and adopt laws and regulations that will protect consumers, data, and businesses. Regardless of your industry, understanding the legal frameworks already in place can help you prepare for what lies ahead in your own field.

Global AI Regulations and Their Implications

Around the world, AI regulations are crucial to protecting civil rights, data privacy, and giving consumers peace of mind. Meanwhile, global AI regulations have far-reaching implications.

Overview of AI Laws in Europe

There is much to learn about what the future of AI regulation could look like by observing what Europe is already doing. For example, Europe has already passed an Artificial Intelligence Act that effectively bans any AI practices that are deemed unacceptable.

United States' Approach to AI Regulation

In the United States, there exist very few AI regulations at the federal level. Instead, it appears that much of this will be left up to individual states to decide. Still, many states do have (or are currently working on) their own AI laws and regulations to protect people and businesses. You can read more about state-specific AI laws on The Council of State Governments website.

How to Prepare for Future Legal Developments in AI 

Only time will tell exactly what the future holds for AI and its regulation across both the U.S. and the globe. However, these impacts will inevitably be felt throughout all industries—and there will likely be a continuing need for industry professionals who can navigate the world of changing artificial intelligence law and regulations with confidence.

Preparing for future legal developments in AI begins with the right legal framework and background, which can be mastered in a comprehensive M.L.S. program. In addition, taking the time to subscribe to industry newsletters and other reputable sources related to AI legislation can help you stay on top of ongoing changes and developments. At the end of the day, it all boils down to committing to a lifetime of learning.

Advance Your Knowledge with an Online M.L.S. Program

A Master of Legal Studies is not just beneficial to those already working in law-adjacent careers. In fact, an M.L.S. degree can provide those in nearly any industry with a more thorough understanding of how the law affects their respective fields. This is especially true as it applies to the growing use of artificial intelligence along with the laws and regulations that are likely to follow.

If you are looking to advance your knowledge of AI laws and regulations within your industry, an online Master of Legal Studies degree program from the University of Miami School of Law can help you do just that. Learn more about our M.L.S. online curriculum, including our law and tech tracks, which can help you elevate your career to new heights. From there, you may request more information or get started with your online application.


