Differences Between an M.L.S. and an M.H.A.: Choosing the Best for You

With a better grasp of the difference between legal studies and healthcare administration, you can make the choice that best reflects your interests and career goals.
Differences Between an M.L.S. and an M.H.A.: Choosing the Best for You

Ready to advance your career in the healthcare field? If so, you may be wondering whether a Master of Legal Studies with a healthcare administration track or a Master of Healthcare Administration is right for you. While both are advanced degree options that can help you take your career to the next level, they do differ significantly in terms of core subjects, topics covered, and overall curriculum.

Understanding M.L.S. and M.H.A.: Definitions and Key Differences

Though there are some similarities between the two programs (such as the fact that these are both advanced degree programs), it is also important to recognize the differences between M.L.S. and M.H.A.—along with their unique strengths and offerings—to decide which will better suit your career.

What Is a Master of Legal Studies (M.L.S.)?

A Master of Legal Studies is a graduate-level program designed specifically for those in law-adjacent careers. In an M.L.S. program, the goal is to learn as much as possible about the law as it relates specifically to your chosen industry. Healthcare administration is a popular track in an M.L.S. program, with common topics covered including:

  • Compliance regulations
  • Risk management
  • Information privacy law
  • Healthcare fraud and abuse

What is a Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.)?

A Master of Health Administration, on the other hand, is an advanced degree more focused on healthcare administration as a whole and less on its legal aspects. Instead, coursework may be more tailored to developing leadership and managerial skills needed to work in advanced healthcare administration roles.

Curriculum Comparison: M.L.S. vs. M.H.A.

There may be some similarities between the curriculum of an M.L.S. and an M.H.A. program. For example, both programs will likely touch on key compliance and regulation standards in the healthcare industry—specifically, as they relate to laws like HIPAA and healthcare privacy or data management laws. Still, it is essential to explore the strengths and core subjects of each program to determine which may be ideal.

Core Subjects in M.L.S. Programs

An M.L.S. program with a healthcare administration track will be heavily focused on legal topics as they relate to the healthcare field. Some common subjects and coursework covered in this type of degree program include:

  • Medical coding and billing regulations
  • Healthcare information privacy/HIPAA regulations
  • Risk and compliance foundations
  • Healthcare risk management
  • Cybersecurity and managing cyber breaches

In an M.L.S. program, students have the opportunity to examine and apply statutory and regulatory principles commonly used in the healthcare system.

Core Subjects in MHA Programs

In an M.H.A. program, coursework may be focused less on legal applications and more on developing leadership and strategic management skills. Some examples of the kinds of topics often covered in an M.H.A. program may include:

  • Healthcare organization management
  • Leadership and organizational behavior
  • Hospital and health facilities organization
  • Financial management of healthcare systems

Career Outcomes and Opportunities Between Programs

Both an M.L.S. and M.H.A. degree can be useful for anybody looking to advance their careers in healthcare administration. However, there are some potential differences in career outcomes and opportunities depending on which program you choose.

Career Paths for M.L.S. Graduates

There are numerous unique career opportunities available to those with M.L.S. degrees, especially for those who choose a healthcare administration track. And while most careers do not specifically require an M.L.S. degree, this type of education can provide a unique skill set that is useful for certain roles.

Examples of the types of jobs in which people with M.L.S. degrees in healthcare administration proceed to work include:

  • Clinical trial manager
  • Clinical director
  • Biopharmaceutical manager
  • Healthcare data analyst

Career Paths for M.H.A. Graduates

On the other hand, those who graduate with M.H.A. degrees are more likely to end up in leadership roles within hospitals and other healthcare systems. Some examples of common roles for M.H.A. graduates include:

  • Chief nursing officer
  • Corporate healthcare manager
  • Health insurance administrator
  • Medical records manager

The Advantage of an M.L.S. in the Healthcare Industry

Although an M.H.A. can be a valuable degree for healthcare workers looking to advance their careers, an M.L.S. provides an advantage in healthcare because of the in-depth knowledge surrounding compliance and regulation issues this type of program covers.

In fact, there are various benefits to pursuing an M.L.S. degree in healthcare administration, particularly in today's evolving world.

Legal Knowledge as a Tool for Healthcare Professionals

These days, healthcare administrators are expected to be knowledgeable about numerous laws and regulations. With the foundational knowledge offered in an M.L.S. with a healthcare administration track, professionals can explore the central legal principles and aspects of healthcare that allow them to perform their jobs with confidence.

Strong Understanding of Compliance

Adhering to compliance standards and regulations is a critical aspect of working in healthcare administration. The right M.L.S. program will cover these essential topics as they apply specifically to the healthcare field. This includes not just HIPAA-related compliance regulations but also those related to things such as data privacy, the use of AI, medical coding/billing, and more.

Knowing the Role of Ethics in Healthcare

Ethics continue to play a growing role in healthcare, especially as new innovations and technologies emerge. The right M.L.S. program in healthcare administration will cover topics like ethical foundations of risk and compliance as well as other ethical issues facing the industry (such as the legal implications of AI in healthcare) so professionals can stay informed.

Adherence to the Current Policies and Policy Changes

Healthcare policies are ever-evolving, and it is up to healthcare administration professionals to stay on top of these changes as they occur. With the foundational knowledge provided in an M.L.S. degree program, students will have the skills and understanding needed to remain up to date on current policies and adhere to them in their own work.

When to Choose an M.H.A.

As evidenced above, an M.L.S. degree with a healthcare administration track has much to offer for those in the healthcare field. However, there are some circumstances where it may still make more sense to pursue an M.H.A. degree instead.

If you are specifically interested in advancing your career to a position that does not require extensive legal knowledge, then an M.H.A. may be well suited for you. This is especially true if you want to explore more of a managerial or leadership position that is more focused on working with other healthcare professionals than the administrative side of things.

M.L.S. vs. M.H.A.: Factors to Consider When Making the Decision

If you are still not sure whether an M.L.S. or M.H.A. degree is best for you, there are some specific factors to keep in mind to help you make your choice.

Your Career Goals and How Each Degree Aligns

Take your time to carefully consider your short- and long-term career goals as well as how each degree may align with them. It can be helpful to actually sit and write these goals down

You will also want to think about your specific interests within the healthcare administration field. Are you more drawn to the legal and compliance aspects of the field, or do you prefer to focus more on different leadership and managerial skills? Knowing your own career goals and interests can make a big difference in your ability to make a decision.

Long-Term Benefits and Flexibility of Both Degrees

Consider, too, the long-term benefits that you stand to gain from either program along with the overall flexibility of the format. For example, many students enjoy the level of flexibility that an online M.L.S. program offers—especially when it comes to working in their studies around a full-time job or other life obligations.

In some cases, M.L.S. programs may even be offered in a part-time format. While it may take slightly longer to complete the program when enrolled part time versus full time, this can be a great way to maintain a healthier work-life balance while you pursue your advanced degree.

Interested in Completing a Master of Legal Studies?

Both an M.L.S. and M.H.A. program can provide healthcare professionals with the advanced industry knowledge they need to take their careers to the next level. However, if you are interested in learning more about the legal and compliance aspects of healthcare administration, an M.L.S. degree will likely be your better choice.

At the University of Miami School of Law, we are proud to offer an online Master of Legal Studies degree with a dedicated healthcare administration track—so you can explore topics surrounding ethics, compliance, policies, and much more. Learn more about our online M.L.S. curriculum by getting in touch with a program director today.




