How to Prepare for Cyberattacks and Data Breaches with an M.L.S. Degree

If you are working in cybersecurity (or plan to), do not overlook the power of a Master of Legal Studies degree in advancing your career and preparing yourself to best handle and prevent cyberattacks and data breaches.
How to Prepare for Cyberattacks and Data Breaches with an M.L.S. Degree

Across the globe, it is a simple yet unfortunate reality that cyberattacks are on the rise. In fact, it is estimated that more than 2,220 cyberattacks are now carried out each day—both on individuals and organizations alike. Cyberattacks and data breaches can have lasting consequences, with research suggesting that the global cost of cybercrime will reach more than $10.5 trillion by 2025.

As a result, the demand for cybersecurity professionals who understand the ins and outs of these attacks is higher than ever: According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, the job outlook for information security analysts is projected to increase 32% between 2022 and 2032 alone.

What Are Cyberattacks?

A cyberattack refers to an attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer, computing system, or network with the intent to cause damage. Specific damages can range from stealing or exposing information to altering or even destroying files. In some cases (as with ransomware attacks), data may be held until the victim pays a ransom. In other cases, malicious files may destroy entire computing systems.

Examples of Cyberattacks

There are numerous types of cyberattacks that occur commonly in industries such as healthcare, human resources, and finance. Some examples include:

  • Ransomware attacks
  • Malicious software (malware) attacks
  • Phishing schemes
  • Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks
  • Internet of Things (IoT) attacks
  • Social engineering attacks

What Are Data Breaches?

A more specific type of cyber threat to consider is a data breach. This occurs when files or data that are supposed to be protected end up copied, transmitted, or otherwise viewed or used by an unauthorized party. Oftentimes, data breaches occur as a direct result of a cyberattack.

Examples of Data Breaches

Unfortunately, data breaches have become increasingly common in recent years—and their impact can be devastating on a company and its reputation. Consider, for instance, a data breach at the Real Estate Wealth Network in late 2023 that exposed the names, addresses, mortgage information, contact information, and tax IDs of more than 1.5 billion users. This included leaked personal information for names such as Nancy Pelosi, Britney Spears, and more.

12 Ways an M.L.S. Program Prepares You for Cyberattacks and Data Breaches

Completing a Master of Legal Studies program can be an ideal way for professionals in the cybersecurity and tech fields to prepare for and prevent both cyberattacks and data breaches. This, in turn, can help protect organizations’ bottom lines while maintaining their reputations. With the skills gained in an M.L.S. program, graduates can also enjoy new opportunities to advance their careers.

1. Understanding the Landscape of Cybersecurity Threats

An M.L.S. program can help students gain a solid understanding of the constantly changing landscape of cybersecurity threats, staying ahead of the latest attack trends and methods used by hackers. This can better prepare cybersecurity professionals to protect against and mitigate these attacks.

2. Identifying Common Cyberattacks and Data Breaches

As part of an M.L.S. program, students can also learn how to identify common cyberattacks and data breaches. This includes the most common signs of an attack, which may make it possible to stop or mitigate an attack before it has a significant impact.

3. Developing Strategies for Mitigating Risks of Cyberattacks

The best way to avoid the downfall of a cyberattack is to prevent it from happening in the first place. This is where risk assessment and mitigation strategies come into play, both of which are covered in an M.L.S. program with a focus on tech and cybersecurity.

4. Legal and Ethical Considerations in Cybersecurity

In addition, a thorough M.L.S. program will include detailed coverage of the legal and ethical considerations in cybersecurity, especially as they relate to information privacy law. Understanding these considerations can help graduates make better-informed decisions in their cybersecurity and tech careers.

5. Knowing the Importance of Data Privacy Laws and Compliance

These days, there are many regulations and data privacy laws that businesses handling sensitive information and personal information are required to follow. These compliance requirements are covered in an M.L.S. program, allowing cybersecurity professionals to better perform their individual jobs while keeping their respective organizations in compliance.

6. Developing a Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan

The topics covered in an M.L.S. program can also help cybersecurity and tech professionals develop and implement incident response plans, making it possible to mitigate damage and fallout in the event that an attack does occur.

7. Leveraging M.L.S. Knowledge for Organizational Security

Graduates from an M.L.S. program will be well-equipped to leverage their knowledge to optimize organizational security, particularly when it comes to key topics like maintaining information privacy and protecting data.

8. Grasping Legal Requirements of Data Breach Responses

When a data breach occurs, swift action is needed to minimize damage and act in accordance with the law. This is where having an M.L.S. degree can pay off, as these professionals will understand exactly what they need to do (and not do) in the aftermath of a data breach.

9. Understanding Current Trends in Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

M.L.S. graduates will also be well-versed in the most current trends and innovations in data privacy and cybersecurity, which can inform their own data protection and risk mitigation practices to keep an organization's information safer. Additionally, graduates of these programs understand the importance of staying current with the latest trends and news as they emerge, which can help them remain relevant and skilled in their job roles.

10. Developing Risk Management Strategies for Cyber Threats

Risk management is another core topic in cybersecurity, with ethical foundations of risk and compliance covered in depth as part of an M.L.S. program. By understanding the best risk management strategies and how to use them, cybersecurity professionals can enhance organization-wide data privacy and security practices.

11. Assessing and Mitigating Potential Vulnerabilities in a Company's Systems

Cybersecurity professionals with an M.L.S. background will also have the skills to carefully assess network security systems and identify vulnerabilities as they exist. From there, they can help organizations strengthen their own security by addressing these vulnerabilities before an attack can take place.

12. Ensuring Compliance with Data Protection Laws and Regulations

With a firm grasp of the most current data protection laws and regulations, graduates of an M.L.S. degree program can help their respective organizations ensure regulatory compliance. This can thereby help avoid fines, penalties, and other legal issues that can arise from a lack of compliance.

Core Components of a Cybersecurity Education in M.L.S. Programs

If you are interested in taking your knowledge of cybersecurity and the legal aspects behind it to the next level, a Master of Legal Studies degree can help you do just that. An M.L.S. program covers essential topics such as regulations and compliance standards, risk assessment, risk mitigation, and data-driven decision-making.

Meanwhile, an M.L.S. degree program with a dedicated cybersecurity or law/technology track can help you more precisely hone this knowledge as it applies to your field.

Curriculum Overview: What You Will Learn

Professionals working in the cybersecurity and tech fields stand to learn a great deal from an MLS degree program, including skills that can guide them on how to prevent cyberattacks and how to prevent data breaches.

Some examples of relevant topics and skills that may be covered in an M.L.S. degree program include:

  • Law and regulation foundations
  • Compliance standards
  • Risk management
  • Information and data privacy
  • Legal research and communication skills
  • Legal ethics and principles

What Are Key Skills Gained from an M.L.S. Program Related to Cybersecurity?

Those working in cybersecurity can gain valuable skills in an M.L.S. program that help them prevent cyberattacks and data breaches, such as a better understanding of information privacy law, global data protection, risk and compliance foundations, and managing information privacy in the workplace.

How Does an M.L.S. Degree Help in Understanding Global Cybersecurity Laws?

Through an M.L.S. degree program, professionals can deepen their understanding of global data privacy and cybersecurity laws, specifically as they relate to topics including the EU Data Protection Directive, the General Data Protection Regulation, and the Data Protection Authorities in Europe.

What Are the Opportunities for M.L.S. Graduates in Cybersecurity?

Those who graduate with an M.L.S. degree with a cybersecurity background can explore any number of exciting career opportunities, with common roles ranging from security analyst and cybersecurity manager to penetration tester and even chief information officer (CIO).

How Can You Stay Updated with the Latest Trends in Cybersecurity After Completing an M.L.S.?

The world of cybersecurity is constantly growing, changing, and evolving—so much so that even recent M.L.S. graduates need to be proactive in order to remain up to date on the latest news. One of the best ways to stay updated as an M.L.S. graduate is by subscribing to a variety of reputable news sources in the cybersecurity field, such as Cybercrime Wire and Infosecurity Magazine.

Explore a Master of Legal Studies Program with a Law and Technology Track

In the modern world, there is simply no overstating the importance of knowing how to optimize cybersecurity and mitigate the risk of cyberattacks—regardless of the industry in which you work. If you are looking to sharpen your cybersecurity skills and apply that knowledge to your place of employment (or even your own business), then it may be time to enroll in a Master of Legal Studies program.

The online Master of Legal Studies program at the University of Miami School of Law is available with a number of track options to suit your needs and interests, including a law and technology track focused specifically on cybersecurity and information privacy. Learn more about our online M.L.S. curriculum with a law and technology track by contacting us today for further details, or feel free to begin your online application for enrollment.

