Learning and Networking Online: Best Practices for an M.L.S. Program

For those looking to enroll in an online Master of Legal Studies program, we have outlined tips for being a successful online learner.
Learning and Networking Online: Best Practices for an M.L.S. Program

Even when you are not attending an in-person degree program, there are ample ways to build a strong professional network as an online learner—especially amid this modern era of digital-centric communication. Ultimately, it boils down to choosing the right program and being proactive about connecting with others.

Best Practices for Excelling in an Online M.L.S. Program

Achieving success in an online M.L.S. program is within reach when you follow some basic best practices and tips for online learning.

Master the Art of Legal Reading

First, understand the importance of sharpening your legal reading skills, as you will need to use these regularly in your online M.L.S. courses. There are numerous techniques that can help you better comprehend legal documents, including critical reading strategies and outlining as you read. Using these methods, you can more effectively identify key legal issues in your readings and summarize legal arguments.

Actively Participate in Virtual Class Discussions and Forums

Active participation in an M.L.S. program is critical, and this is particularly true of online programs. Try to avoid keeping to yourself in this remote environment; instead, immerse yourself in the online discussions, forums, virtual classrooms, and other avenues for participation your program might offer. Take these as an opportunity to apply the legal principles and theories you are learning about into real-world scenarios while engaging in debates and sharing your perspectives with peers and professors alike.

Leverage Legal Research Tools and Databases

In many programs, M.L.S. students have access to a wide range of online legal research tools and databases that can help them discover relevant case law, research statutes, explore regulations, and delve into scholarly articles. Learn how to leverage these resources and use them to your advantage as an online student.

Examples of online legal research tools  include:

  • LexisNexis
  • Westlaw
  • Google Scholar
  • FindLaw

Manage Your Time Effectively and Stay Organized

It is essential for online learners in M.L.S. programs to prioritize their studies by effectively managing their time. This is where adopting strategies for time management and organization can make all the difference in balancing coursework with work and other personal commitments.

One of the best time management practices is to follow a set schedule. Even if you do not have to be in a physical classroom for several hours per day, you should be setting aside dedicated time for your coursework just the same to avoid falling behind. Using a paper or digital planner is highly recommended for remembering important exam dates, deadlines, and assignment due dates.

How to Network in an Online Program: Building Connections Virtually

It is no secret that the online learning environment is unique, and students will need to be proactive about establishing professional connections to make the most of their experiences. Fortunately, for those wondering how to network in an online program, the following simple tips for being a successful online learner can help you better connect with your fellow students.

Embrace Virtual Collaboration Tools

These days, there are countless easy-to-use virtual collaboration tools that allow students to work together either in real-time or asynchronously. From video chat platforms and messaging apps to Google Workspace programs and everything in between, taking advantage of these tools allows online students to build meaningful relationships while working together on projects and assignments.

Create a Strong Online Presence

If you do not already have an online presence on social media, this is another element to consider when it comes to building your professional network in an online degree program. Specifically, having a comprehensive LinkedIn profile (complete with your educational background, work experience, and headshot photo) is an ideal way to connect with other students and faculty on a professional level. If you have your own website or digital portfolio, be sure to link this on your profiles and share with your classmates as well.

Take it a step further and begin creating posts sharing insights on topics related to your industry or M.L.S. program—as this can help you expand your online network to include professionals across the globe.

Utilize Online Discussion Boards

Many M.L.S. programs have a virtual discussion component, where students and professors engage in forum discussions about recent readings, assignments, and similar topics on message boards. Actively participating in these discussion boards can be a great way to connect with other classmates while better grasping the course material, so it is crucial to make this a priority.

Join Virtual Study Groups

Virtual study groups allow students to connect with classmates while improving their understanding of key course information and topics. If your class has not already formed a virtual study group, consider starting one yourself and inviting fellow classmates to join via video chat.

Attend Online Networking Events

Some schools or M.L.S. programs may also host online networking events exclusively designed to help online students connect with others on a professional level. Take time to familiarize yourself with the events your program offers and try to attend as many of these as possible. You never know what kinds of connections you might make that could lead to an opportunity down the road.

Reach Out to Alumni

Additionally, alumni can be a valuable resource for professional networking as an M.L.S. student—so do not hesitate to inquire about your school's alumni network and find ways to get in touch with previous graduates (including through social media groups or pages).

Participate in Virtual Office Hours

Last but not least, take advantage of virtual office hours that your professors or instructors may offer. These serve as an opportunity to ask questions about course content while enriching your understanding of the subject matter. Plus, virtual office hours can provide you with some one-on-one time with your instructors along with an opportunity to network and build a professional relationship.

The Power of the Miami Law Alumni Network: Your Gateway to Success

There are various steps online learners can take proactively to make the most of their M.L.S. program. However, choosing the right program that is designed with online learners in mind can also make all the difference. At the University of Miami School of Law, we take great pride in our robust alumni network, networking events, and other resources available to help online students advance in their respective industries.

A Global Network of Legal Professionals

The University of Miami School of Law boasts more than 23,000 alumni from a diverse range of backgrounds and career paths. Our alumni support current students with advice or even mentorship opportunities for those who might be interested, so you can connect with graduates who have been in your shoes. And with a vast international reach, graduates of the school reside in  90+ countries around the globe as well as all 50 states.

Exclusive Networking Events and Resources

When you join the University of Miami School of Law alumni network, you will also enjoy access to networking events, career resources, and job boards that you can leverage to advance your career and work toward your professional goals.

Building Lifelong Connections

The relationships you build during an M.L.S. program at the University of Miami School of Law can last a lifetime, contributing to your long-term career success. By actively engaging with your alumni network, you can establish and nurture lasting connections that could take your professional life to new heights.

Ready to Apply for an Online Master of Legal Studies Program?

These days, building a solid professional network as an online learner is more feasible than ever with technological advancements such as video chat, social media, and more. In addition to making the most of your studies following the above tips for online learning, the key is to choose a program with an online learning environment that fosters plenty of networking and communication.

When you are seeking an online Master of Legal Studies program to suit your needs, the University of Miami School of Law is proud to offer an online M.L.S. curriculum that supports students with professional development resources, and more. Get in touch today to learn more, or get started with your online application for enrollment.







