Director of Miami Law's bankruptcy clinic honored with annual Hoeveler Award

A pro bono legal service champion since the 1970s, Patricia Redmond has helped various clients navigate the complex issues involved with insolvency and bankruptcy.
Director of Miami Law's bankruptcy clinic honored with annual Hoeveler Award
Patricia Redmond, B.A. '75, J.D. '79

Miami Law's Center for Ethics & Public Service will honor Patricia Redmond, B.A. '75, J.D. '79, at the 22nd annual William M. Hoeveler Ethics & Public Service Award Ceremony TuesdayNovember 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

The prestigious prize celebrates extraordinary members of the bar and bench, nonprofit organizations, and individuals distinguished by their long-standing dedication to ethics and public service.

Redmond, a bankruptcy and creditors' rights shareholder at Stearns, Weaver, Miller, Weissler, Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. in Miami, is highly respected in bankruptcy law and a leader in the Miami community. She is a strong proponent of pro bono legal service and began taking pro bono cases two years after she graduated from Miami Law. Over the years, Redmond has dedicated 200 to 400 hours yearly to pro bono service. She received the 2019 Tobias Simon Pro Bono Service Award, the highest statewide pro bono award.

At Miami Law, Redmond is the director of the Eleanor R. Cristol and Judge A. Jay Cristol Pro Bono Bankruptcy Assistance Clinic, where she helps students deliver life-changing legal services to clients, teaches bankruptcy courses as an adjunct professor, and coaches the bankruptcy moot court team.

She is also the president of the American College of Bankruptcy, an honorary association of insolvency professionals.

Founded in 1996, the Center for Ethics and Public Service is a law school-housed ethics education, experiential skills training, and community engagement program devoted to the values of ethical judgment, professional responsibility, and public service in law and society. Center programs include the Community Equity LabBlack Church Program, and Legal Profession Program.

The center aims to educate law students to serve their communities as citizen lawyers.

For 28 years, the center has been an incubator and an accelerator for numerous public service initiatives. They include on-campus and off-campus clinics (Children and Youth Law Clinic, Community Economic Development and Design Clinic, Community Lawyering Clinic, Environmental Justice Clinic, Health Law Clinic, and Social Enterprise Clinic), programs (Brown University Institute at Brown for Environment and Society partnership, Dartmouth College Ethics Institute Internship Program, Professional Responsibility and Ethics Program, Street Law Program, and University of Miami Joint College of Arts and Sciences Program on Law, Public Policy, and Ethics), summer colloquia (University of Miami Environmental Justice, Policy, & Science), and oral histories and documentary films (Oral History and Documentary Film Project).

The Hoeveler Award was created in honor of the Honorable William M. Hoeveler, senior U.S. District Court judge and the inaugural recipient, as a lifetime achievement award for a lawyer or an organization of outstanding ethics and public service. Hoeveler died in 2017 at the age of 95.

“Patricia Redmond is the epitome of professionalism and public service in the legal profession, embodying the moral character, intellectual elegance, and collegial generosity of Judge William Hoeveler and the best of the Florida bar and bench,” said Professor Anthony V. Alfieri, director of CEPS. “Moreover, she is a gifted and dedicated teacher, a highly skilled and widely respected advocate, and a mentor to generations of bankruptcy lawyers and law students. We are thrilled to honor Patricia Redmond with the 2024 William M. Hoeveler Award.”

Past awardees include former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, former Florida Supreme Court Chief Judge Rosemary Barkett, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit Judge Adalberto Jordan, J.D. '87, B.A. '84, and Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernández Rundle, who has served since 1993.

The in-person event is invitation-only due to limited capacity. To view the event livestream, please register here

More on the Center for Ethics and Public Service
