Dr. Linda L. Neider to Receive the 2020 May A. Brunson Award

Prestigious recognition spotlights outstanding contributions to improving the status of women at the University of Miami that are outside of their job or title responsibilities.
Dr. Linda L. Neider to Receive the 2020 May A. Brunson Award

The University of Miami Women’s Commission has selected Dr. Linda L. Neider as the recipient of the 49th Annual May A. Brunson award, which is presented annually to the person who has made outstanding contributions to improving the status of women at the University of Miami that are outside of their job or title responsibilities.  

In a letter announcing this year’s honoree, the Women’s Commission recognizes Dr. Neider for going well beyond the confines of her job or role, stating:

"Without a doubt, you [Dr. Neider] are a trailblazer in our community – But, what really impressed us, however, was the common theme of your willingness to mentor, to share your knowledge, and to effectuate positive change that supports women in our community, resulting in a legacy of faculty and staff achieving goals they did not imagine could be possible.  Current students and alums, far and wide, have lauded your open-door policy and your willing to advise and mentor them well beyond the classroom.  It is clear that you value the power of inclusivity and equity for all demographics.

As Chair of the Faculty Senate, you use your experience, institutional knowledge, and upfront approach to continue to advocate for colleagues and to elevate those who encounter marginalization.  Your commitment to fostering long-term gender and cultural equity benefits the status of women throughout our university community."

Dr. Neider was the first woman Department Chair in the Miami Herbert Business School, and as Chair, worked with faculty to transform the area into one of the most diverse Management Departments in the country. Over half of the tenured faculty are currently women, as are three of the five (full) Professors, with the total faculty representing  nine different regions worldwide as well as a mix of ethnicities and color. The areas within the department include Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Operations/Supply Chain Management, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and International Business. Dr. Neider has also served in a number of other administrative roles including Vice Dean for Faculty as well as Vice Dean of Undergraduate Business.

Dr. Neider is a tenured Professor of Management with a secondary appointment as Professor in the Department of Health Management and Policy at Miami Herbert Business School. She also serves in the distinguished roles of the Chairman of the Department of Management and the Chair of the University of Miami Faculty Senate.

“Dr. Neider is as an exemplary recipient of this award and is a role model for all professionals, regardless of gender, at Miami Herbert Business School,” said John Quelch, dean of Miami Herbert Business School. “Whether in the Faculty Senate, with her colleagues, or in the classroom, she leads by example in advancing inclusiveness and diversity.”
