Alumnus appointed deputy chair of IAASB

When his parents immigrated from Taiwan to Florida in the 1970s, double ’Cane Len Jui, knew immediately, that he would be applying to the University of Miami.
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“Miami had always been my first choice for higher education,” he said. “Then and now, it’s well-known internationally for its academic programs, diverse student body and respected faculty.”

The flexibility of the business undergraduate program combined with Jui’s determination allowed him to complete the MBA program within six months after earning his bachelor’s degree.

“I received my undergraduate degree May 1990, and by December of that same year I had my MBA,” he said. “I started taking graduate classes during my undergraduate years, and I also took full course loads during the two summer terms to take advantage of the graduate scholarships awarded to me by the Miami Herbert Business School.” 

Over the years, Jui has worked in public accounting and as a CFO for a public company, and the SEC as an associate chief accountant. He is currently KPMG partner, as well as a member of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), to which he was recently appointed Deputy Chair. He begins his role as Deputy Chair in 2021.

He says his appointment as deputy chair is a professional highlight that will last a lifetime.

The IAASB is an independent standard-setting body that serves the public interest by setting high-quality international standards for auditing, quality control, review, other assurance, and related services, and by facilitating the convergence of international and national standards.

Jui’s children are also proud ’Canes. His daughter received her graduate degree from Miami Herbert in 2019 and is now working for one of the Big Four accounting firms. His son is a junior at Miami Herbert and is on track to graduate in 2022, and has already been accepted to the graduate accounting program.

“We are a Cane family!”

Q: What did you take away from your MBA learning experience which has been most applicable to your career?
A: My MBA experience provided me with the platform to understand different aspects of managing a business. I am an accountant, and as an accountant, I need to know how business is being run, what are the opportunities and risks, who are the customers, and how to deal competition and economic factors. The MBA program helps to appreciate different views and different perspectives from various stakeholders.

Q: Was there a class or professor that was particularly meaningful or influential during your time at the School?
A: The two auditing classes I took taught by Dr. Kay Tatum and Dr. Paul Munter were the most influential. They set the foundation for my career and set the goals that I am looking to accomplish in the audit profession. I am setting standards for the global audit profession, and that is a testament to quality of the faculty at Miami Herbert and their dedication to teaching.

Q: What is your advice for current Miami Herbert students?
A: Develop a passion for learning instead focusing on tests or worrying about the grades. If one has a thirst for knowledge and passion for learning, doing well on tests and getting good grades will come naturally. Develop good communication skills to compliment technical competency.
