Miami Herbert’s MBA Program continues to rise in Bloomberg Businessweek Rankings

Miami Herbert was among the strongest performers in the latest Bloomberg Businessweek MBA ranking, rising 26 places from No. 72 in 2019 when the survey was last conducted to No. 46 in 2021.
Miami Herbert’s MBA Program continues to rise in Bloomberg Businessweek Rankings

“This strong climb in rankings reflects our faculty’s stalwart commitment to the full-time MBA which has just gone through a thorough review and redesign this past year,” said John Quelch, dean of Miami Herbert. “It is great to see the program gaining renewed recognition. It is a testament to the innovative, hard-working faculty, staff and students at Miami Herbert.”

The updated program, which launched this fall, emphasizes data analysis, technology and innovation making it STEM-certified. Miami Herbert now offers more STEM-certified graduate programs than any other business school in Florida.

The ranking also had good marks for the School. Especially noteworthy was Miami Herbert’s No. 7 national ranking on Diversity, reflecting the School’s global appeal and multicultural positioning. For the first-ever Diversity Index, U.S. schools provided data on race, ethnicity, and gender in their classes.

“Miami Herbert is proud to be recognized for what are among our core values—promoting a diverse and inclusive community that drives student, faculty and staff success,” Quelch said.

Rankings were based on 19,955 surveys from students, alumni, and recruiters, as well as compensation and employment data from each school, according to Bloomberg.

The complete 2021 rankings of all full-time U.S. and global MBA programs can be found here.